Brighteon Broadcast News, Mar 27, 2023 - Govt and media pushing ZOMBIE AVIAN FLU narrative as vaccines and drugs stockpiled for next plandemic

  • 0:00 ZOMBIE AVIAN FLU narrative
  • 47:29 Houskeeping Notes
  • 50:53 Headlines
  • 58:52 SCAMs
  • 1:11:11 Interview with Dr. Paul Cottrell

- National Wildlife Health Center warns of "zombie" HPAI H5N1 that alters neurology and behavior of mammals

- Media pushing strong warnings of zombie bird flu crossing over to humans and spreading as a pandemic

- This is the next plandemic tyranny: Lockdowns to prevent public protests against financial collapse

- Dr. Cottrell warned of combination SARS + HIV + Avian (H5N1) chimeric bioweapon

- The DoD built it and likely already released it, now spreading across North America

- Huge amounts of Peramivir drug being flown on cargo planes to stockpile for the plandemic

- Peramivir cause ZOMBIE side effects including confusion, cracked skin, red eyes, hallucinations and skin lesions

- Also causes people to hold FALSE beliefs (such as beliefs in false plandemics) (a known side effect of the drug)

- The HPAI H5N1 causes ATAXIA, which also presents as zombie-like side effects including loss of motor control

- The plan is to treat the masses with peramivir and CAUSE side effects which are blamed on avian flu

- 14 vaccine manufacturers are gearing up for massive vaccine production for the avian flu plandemic

- Vax supplies are being directed by the WHO to target poor black nations for depopulation and genocide

- Media narrative being carefully crafted and pushed; predictive programming

- Carbon offset credit scam exposed

- Ukraine "volunteer" soldiers exposed as a fraud

- UK and USA are 10+ years behind munitions manufacturing compared to Russia.

Brighteon Broadcast News, Mar 27, 2023 - Govt and media pushing ZOMBIE AVIAN FLU narrative as vaccines and drugs stockpiled for next plandemic

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