The mystery of Noah's Ark investigated in Istanbul

The mystery of Noah's Ark investigated in Istanbul

Samples taken from the area believed to be Noah's Ark in Agri have been taken to the laboratory of Istanbul Technical University. According to the results, it can be determined whether there are traces of Noah's Ark in the area or not, reports

While Noah's Ark, which took place in the flood described in the holy books, has been sought for centuries, it is believed to be on Mount Ararat. The research team, established by Agri Ibrahim Cecen University (AİCU) and Istanbul Technical University (ITU), started working in the area believed to be the ruins of Noah's Ark about 2 months ago.

Nearly 30 rock and soil samples collected from the study area, which was carried out with special permits under the coordination of the Governor's Office, were taken from Agri to Istanbul to the university's laboratory for analysis.

The mystery of Noah's Ark investigated in Istanbul

ITU Vice Rector and Dean of Mining Faculty Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kumral and Head of ITU Geological Engineering Department Prof. Dr. Emin Ciftci made statements regarding the process studied in different disciplines.

After the laboratory tests, which are expected to take about 1 month, it will be possible to determine whether there are traces of Noah's Ark or not.

ITU Vice Rector and Dean of the Mining Faculty Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kumral said, "Our goal is to ask ourselves whether the structure here is different from the general geological structure around or not. To find out. Macro and micro observations will be made.

"These will be subjected to chemical analyses. In these chemical analyses, this structure has a chemistry that is consistent with the general mineralogy and geology of this region. Isn't there a difference? Does that difference point to Noah's Ark?

The legend of Noah is recognized by three major religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. There is only one exception - the Koran states that the Ark of the Prophet Nuh (in the Bible - Noah) did not land on Ararat, but on Mount Judy in southeastern Turkey. But these are details, because for centuries the search for the legendary ship continued on the slopes of Ararat.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Friedrich Parrot reached the top of the mountain. It was he who discovered a huge flat ledge that could well serve as a pier for Noah's Ark.

Half a century later, the Englishman James Bruce, climbing alone, found a wooden beam at a very high altitude "with obvious traces of tools".

A few years later, Turkish meteorologists allegedly stumbled upon the frame of an ancient ship protruding from a glacier. Newspapers around the world trumpeted the find.

In 1916, Russian pilot Vladimir Roskovitsky, flying over Ararat, reported the remains of a huge ship he had seen. This was reported to Tsar Nicholas II, who, it is said, even ordered the preparation of the expedition. But in 1917 new tasks were set.

And in 1952, the Frenchman Fernand Navarre, who devoted almost 20 years to the search for the Ark, said that he was absolutely sure that he had discovered the ship.

His book describing the expedition was called: "I Found Noah's Ark." It is true that the scientists who examined the artifacts given to them could neither confirm nor refute the traveler's opinion.

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