EXCLUSIVE: US colonel explains America’s role in provoking Russia-Ukraine conflict

EXCLUSIVE: US colonel explains America’s role in provoking Russia-Ukraine conflict

Colonel Douglas Macgregor, who was picked in 2020 by President Donald Trump as a senior advisor to the Secretary of Defense, has given LifeSiteNews a trenchant and thought-provoking interview (see full text below), in which he argues that the United States has sought to provoke Russia by pushing “Ukraine’s development into a regional military power hostile to Russia.”

In the interview, Macgregor also points to the 2014 Maidan coup that toppled the officially elected pro-Russian Ukrainian government, in turn establishing a pro-American government. “The Maidan coup allowed Washington’s agents in Kiev to install a government that would cooperate with this project,” the West Point graduate and scholar with a PhD in international relations told LifeSite.

Macgregor’s statements are in line with an Open Letter to President Joe Biden that LifeSite published in May of 2022, which too argued that the U.S. was involved in setting up a new pro-American government in Ukraine in 2014.

The text, which was signed by conservative journalists such as Charlie Kirk, Jack Posobiec, Jack Maxey, and Judge Andrew Napolitano, stated about the events in 2014: “At that time, a telephone conversation of your [Biden’s] collaborator Victoria Nuland (Assistant Secretary of State under President Barak Obama) revealed how she discussed which leaders should be placed into the new government in Ukraine. The transcript of that conversation also exposed your own direct involvement in this interference with a foreign nation state.”

Macgregor, who served in the U.S. military from 1976 until his retirement in 2004, argues that the U.S. “badly miscalculated” the Russian military strength and that its policy against Russia is actually harming U.S. allies in Europe.

When asked about the driving force behind this war-mongering policy of confrontation with Russia, by way of Ukraine, the book author advises that one should look to “names of the members of the World Economic Forum.”

Macgregor sees a natural alliance between Europe, especially Germany, and Russia, and even calls upon Europe to reassess its own alliances for the sake of avoiding yet another world war. Explaining this, he writes:

The two world wars were destructive episodes that should never have occurred. There is no reason to repeat past mistakes. Berlin must now confront the reality that Washington’s strategic interests and the strategic interests of the German Nation are not identical and adjust its relations with Washington and Moscow appropriately. If Berlin adjust its foreign policy along these lines, Berlin can once again restore stability and prosperity to Europe.

As it seems, this military expert and senior advisor dares to argue outside of the mainstream media’s narrative about the Russia-Ukraine conflict, in regards to both its causes and its development. He runs a YouTube channel on which he comments almost daily on the real developments of the war, countering the talking points of CNN and other channels.

My husband, Dr. Robert Hickson, a former professor of the Air Force Academy and the Joint Special Operations University, much appreciates Colonel Macgregor’s outspoken and honest interviews, which are so needed in a time where propaganda seems to reign the public discourse. May this voice be heard, for the sake of the preservation of world peace.

Full text of interview below:

LifeSite: Who in your eyes is the main guilty force behind the escalation of the Ukraine conflict?

LifeSite: In light of today’s situation, how would you describe the importance and the consequences of the 2014 coup that took place in Ukraine with heavy involvement of the U.S.?

Macgregor: See the response above.

LifeSite: How could the conflict be resolved peacefully and diplomatically, what would be aspects of an agreement between the conflict parties?

Macgregor: Washington and its allies in Western Europe badly miscalculated. They believed that Russia’s economic weakness made an effective Russian military campaign to destroy Ukrainian military strength impossible. Russia’s initial performance assumed that Washington and its allies would recognize the seriousness of the matter and acknowledge Russia’s legitimate security interests in Ukraine. Once it became clear that Washington was determined to not only preserve its strategic military control of Ukraine with the goal of utterly destroying Russia, Moscow changed course. Moscow now treats Ukraine as a theater of war, not as a brother Slavic Country. The war will only end on terms that Moscow creates. As President Putin says repeatedly, ‘Only Moscow is the guarantor of Ukrainian territory.’

LifeSite: Who is the driving force that tries to prevent a peaceful resolution of the conflict?

Macgregor: The names of the members of the World Economic Forum is a good place to start in your search for the answer to this question.

LifeSite: You seem to argue that the U.S.- pushed escalation of the conflict in Ukraine is harming the United States’ relations with Europe. Could you explain us your position?

Macgregor: When imposing sanctions, it is always important to avoid sanctioning yourself. Russia is not isolated. In fact, Russia enjoys an unassailable geographical position with access to markets, goods and services that the United States cannot obstruct. Thus, Washington’s allies, as well as, Americans, are now the victims of Washington’s thoughtless and arrogant financial and economic policies.

LifeSite: There are some voices who claim that the Ukraine war actually has helped the U.S. economy by increasing weapons production and gasoline sales to Europe. Would you agree with this assessment or what would you say about who benefits most from this war in Ukraine?

Macgregor: Military sales do not enhance the economic health and well-being of any economy. Investments in military power are sunken costs. The resulting equipment has little salvage value. Whenever a Nation-State builds more military power than is necessary for its own defense, it deprives other economic sectors of the capital they need to grow and prosper. This was President Eisenhower’s argument in 1953 when he said, “Security cannot exist without prosperity. Americans deserve both.”

LifeSite: Do you consider Russia to be a military threat to Europe, or do you think the German-Russian economic collaboration was beneficial for Europe?

Macgregor: Russia was not a threat to Europe when the war in Ukraine began. Washington’s proxy war has compelled Moscow to reexamine its assumptions about Russians security. From now on, Russia will maintain larger and more robust high-end conventional forces with the goal of securing itself from future Western attack. For most of the last 300 years, Berlin has been Moscow’s natural partner in commercial trade and regional security matters. The two world wars were destructive episodes that should never have occurred. There is no reason to repeat past mistakes. Berlin must now confront the reality that Washington’s strategic interests and the strategic interests of the German nation are not identical and adjust its relations with Washington and Moscow appropriately. If Berlin adjust its foreign policy along these lines, Berlin can once again restore stability and prosperity to Europe.

A German-language version of this interview will appear in the Austrian Catholic newspaper Der Dreizehnte.

(Article by Maike Hickson republished from LifeSiteNews.com)

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