6 Natural Remedies to Alleviate the Most Common Ailments

6 Natural Remedies to Alleviate the Most Common Ailments

Believe it or not, natural remedies are often the best option to alleviate common ailments for which some medications can be harmful. Learn some of the best options here.

Poor posture, excessive exercise, stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and so on are the catalysts for various ailments in the body. Of course, each of these is treated individually; always under the doctor’s recommendations. Even so, you can use natural remedies to alleviate the most common ailments we compiled today from scientific evidence.

6 home remedies to alleviate the most common ailments

The best way to treat common ailments is to directly attack their cause. For this reason, the natural remedies that we collect shortly are palliative in nature. They offer temporary and symptomatic relief, although they should be combined with other measures to tackle the problem at its root.

1. Relieve back pain

Back pain is one of the ailments that can worsen a person’s quality of life the most. It is estimated that up to 84% of adults suffer from it at least once in their lives, and unfortunately the problem is highly recurrent. Experts usually treat back discomfort with a holistic approach, so remedies to alleviate common ailments can help.

  • Hot and cold therapies: One of the most effective is to apply hot and cold cloths and alternate them every 20 minutes. According to Harvard Health Publishing, heat and cold soothes and relaxes muscles and increases blood flow, which contributes to the healing process.
  • Diet for inflammation: As noted by Johns Hopkins Medicine, inflammatory diets can contribute to chronic back pain. Limiting consumption of trans fats, refined sugars and processed foods can help.
  • Massage with rosemary and menthol: There is evidence that massage with rosemary and menthol extracts can relieve musculoskeletal pain. You can buy a topical cream based on one or both of these ingredients, or make poultices of these and apply them to the area.

2. Headache

Headaches are another of the most frequent and tedious ailments that we usually face in our daily lives.

To alleviate them nothing like drinking a good cup of tea, preferably if it is mint or chamomile.

And this drink has relaxing effects, which will make the pain subside.

In addition, if you opt for chamomile tea, it could also be useful to relieve stomach discomfort.

3. Nasal congestion

The so annoying nasal congestion can also be relieved thanks to practical and effective home remedies that will make your life much easier.

One of the most useful is to boil eucalyptus leaves and breathe in its steam, which will help you decongest.

On the other hand, making an infusion based on bay leaf, sage and cinnamon can also be an effective solution.


  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 tablespoon of sage (10 grams)
  • Cinnamon stick


  • You will have to add the three herbs to the water, bring it to a boil and allow the decoction to brew for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • After this time, the smell will be so strong that it will help you to decongest your nose.

4. Migraine

One of the worst ailments is a migraine.

It can even cause vomiting and people who suffer from it have a really bad time, so anything that can help relieve these headaches is more than welcome.

  • Put some alcohol on a banana peel and let it sit on your forehead for about 30 minutes.
  • You will get the banana peel to absorb the accumulated toxins and reduce the headache in a natural way.

Eating almonds on a daily basis can also help, as it is a food that helps release endorphins and will make the headache start to go away.

5. Constipation

If you have trouble going to the bathroom, there are natural foods that can help you regulate your intestinal transit. One of them, for example, is olive oil.

  • You will have to apply some on your belly and rub it in a circular motion. If you want it to be really effective you will have to repeat it daily, as soon as you wake up.

It can also help to drink natural orange juice and kiwis on an empty stomach.

These foods will provide you with the fiber your body needs and, at the same time, you will stimulate the biliary discharges that your intestine needs to make.

6. Alleviate the most common ailments: Acne

Acne can be incredibly annoying, in addition to causing a considerable drop in self-esteem.

Therefore, to combat it naturally, you can resort to rose water.


  • 10 rose petals
  • 2 cups of water (500 milliliters)


  • You will have to put 10 rose petals in a bottle with half a liter of water and let it rest for 36 hours in the refrigerator.
  • After the indicated time, you will have to add a little alcohol to the mixture and apply it with a cotton pad on the affected areas once a day.
  • Store this product in the refrigerator.

A mask made with orange peel, oatmeal, and yogurt will also help you.


  • The peel of an orange
  • 3 teaspoons of oatmeal (15 grams)
  • 1 tablespoon of natural yogurt (12.5 grams)


  • You will have to put the peel of an orange in water, cut it into pieces and add three teaspoons of oatmeal and two teaspoons of natural yogurt.
  • Mix everything together and let it stand for 24 hours in the refrigerator.
  • The resulting mixture should be applied to your skin and left to act for five minutes.
  • Remove with lukewarm water.

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The contents of this publication are for informational purposes only. At no time can they serve to facilitate or replace the diagnoses, treatments, or recommendations of a professional. Consult with your trusted specialist if you have any doubts and seek their approval before beginning any procedure.{alertInfo}

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