Ukraine Backs UN Vote To Send Israel To International Court While Begging For Arms

 Despite Ukraine for months essentially begging the Israeli government to supply it with lethal weapons amid the Russian invasion, Ukraine voted at the UN to send Israel to the Hague-based International Court of Justice (ICJ).

The UN resolution was voted on in the General Assembly on Friday, and it urged an international investigation into Israel's occupation of Palestinian lands, as well as "annexation" activities and alleged human rights abuses against Palestinians. Ukraine's representative registered a "yes" vote, and the resolution will now proceed to the next stage (a Generally Assembly plenary, likely next month), given it passed with 98 countries in favor, 17 countries opposed and 52 abstentions.

Israel was livid following the vote, and summoned the Ukrainian ambassador to issue a formal rebuke and reprimand.

"Ukraine’s support of the UN resolution 'Israeli Practices', denying Jewish ties to Temple Mount and calling for ICJ advisory opinion is extremely disappointing," Israeli envoy Michael Brodsky stated. "Supporting anti-Israeli initiatives in the UN doesn’t help to build trust".

The United States of course voted against the draft resolution, while interestingly both Russia and Ukraine voted in favor. 

The UN vote is deeply awkward and somewhat embarrassing timing for Ukraine given President Zelensky has recently lashed out publicly against Israel for refusing to send its Iron Dome anti-air defense system.

In October, Zelensky said in a virtual speech to a conference organized by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, "Isn't it time for your state to choose who you are with as well?" In addressing Israeli decision-makers, he then charged that in refusing to send arms Israel is turning "a blind eye to Russian terror".

Interestingly, some top officials within the Ukrainian government are also expressing their embarrassment

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky’s personal aide, Alexey Arestovych, said Sunday that Ukraine’s recent support of a United Nations resolution against Israel was “a grave mistake.”

In an online livestream, the close aide to the Ukrainian premier said “Ukraine’s foreign ministry’s position was illogical and unacceptable.”

“We’re teaming up with Russia and Iran who are attacking us, and distancing ourselves from Israel — which we want as an ally,” Aristovich said.

“Ukraine must at least abstain from such votes,” he added.

Ukraine Backs UN Vote To Send Israel To International Court While Begging For Arms
Israeli ambassador Michael Brodsky slammed Ukraine's vote as "extremely disappointing": Getty Images

Certainly Israel is now going to be much less willing to even contemplate sending lethal arms to the Ukrainians, even despite pressure from the White House to do more than just humanitarian or non-lethal aid.

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