Putin Issues Statement on Avoiding Nuclear War: ‘I WON’T Let the Global Elites Depopulate Our Planet’

Putin Issues Statement on Avoiding Nuclear War: ‘I WON’T Let the Global Elites Depopulate Our Planet’

Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to prevent the global elites from depopulating the planet via a nuclear war.

According to Putin, the elites are desperate for a global nuclear war as it will allow them to drastically reduce the Earth’s population and implement their ‘Great Reset’ agenda.

Considering Russia is one of only five countries in the world with nuclear weapons, Putin’s foreign ministry issued a statement declaring that Russia “bears a special responsibility in matters related to strengthening international security and strategic stability.”

Infowars.com reports: The statement also said, “Russia is strictly and consistently guided by the tenet that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought” and that the nukes are only for defensive use in a scenario where the “very existence of the states is in jeopardy.”

The nation says it is “strongly convinced that in the current complicated and turbulent situation, caused by irresponsible and impudent actions aimed at undermining our national security, the most immediate task is to avoid any military clash of nuclear powers.”

Next, Russia called on the other four nuclear nations to work together instead of instigating a volatile situation where “a direct armed conflict” could ultimately lead to “catastrophic consequences.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been vocal about his willingness to resort to using nuclear weapons if his nation is in grave danger, but that stance is no different than that of any other nuclear-armed nation.

Instead of admitting every country with nukes vows only to use the weapons in a defensive manner, Western media has been claiming Putin is constantly “threatening to use nuclear weapons.”

Now, after the latest statement from Russia’s Foreign Ministry, mainstream outlets like NBC News are claiming Putin has softened his nuclear rhetoric.

In reality, it is the Pentagon that is escalating nuclear tensions, recently announcing the U.S. will no longer rule out the possibility of using nuclear weapons against non-nuclear threats.

The revelation from the Pentagon came last week after Putin tried to assure the world he’s not looking to use nuclear weapons, saying there is “no political,” or “military reason” for a “nuke strike in Ukraine.”

Read the full statement below:

As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and one of the nuclear-weapon powers, in accordance with the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Russian Federation bears a special responsibility in matters related to strengthening international security and strategic stability.

In implementing its policy on nuclear deterrence Russia is strictly and consistently guided by the tenet that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. Russian doctrinal approaches in this sphere are defined with utmost accuracy, pursue solely defensive goals and do not admit of expansive interpretation. These approaches allow for Russia to hypothetically resort to nuclear weapons exclusively in response to an aggression involving the use of weapons of mass destruction or an aggression with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is in jeopardy.

Russia proceeds from the continued relevance of the existing arrangements and understandings in the field of cutting and limiting nuclear weapons, as well as reducing strategic risks and threat of international incidents and conflicts fraught with escalation to nuclear level. We fully reaffirm our commitment to the Joint statement of the leaders of the five nuclear-weapon states on preventing nuclear war and avoiding arms races of January 3, 2022. We are strongly convinced that in the current complicated and turbulent situation, caused by irresponsible and impudent actions aimed at undermining our national security, the most immediate task is to avoid any military clash of nuclear powers.

We urge other states of the “nuclear five” to demonstrate in practice their willingness to work on solving this top-priority task and to give up the dangerous attempts to infringe on vital interests of each other while balancing on the brink of a direct armed conflict and encouraging provocations with weapons of mass destruction, which can lead to catastrophic consequences.

Russia continues to advocate for a revamped, more robust architecture of international security based on ensuring predictability and global strategic stability, as well as on the principles of equal rights, indivisible security and mutual account of core interests of the parties.

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