Lara Logan Says Biden Administration Is ‘Guilty’ of ‘Trafficking Children For the Elite’

Lara Logan Says Biden Administration Is ‘Guilty’ of ‘Trafficking Children For the Elite’
Lara Logan has doubled down on her claims the globalist liberal elite “dine on the blood of children” and has pointed the finger of blame directly at the Biden administration and Child Protective Services for facilitating the crime.

Before we dive into these claims, it’s worth remembering who is making them. Lara Logan is a serious and respected investigative journalist who has served her time working in the mainstream media where she was granted access to the corridors of power all over the world. While working on 60 Minutes for CBS, where she rose to be Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent, she covered some of the biggest stories in the world, including the war on terror in Afghanistan and Benghazi.

Then suddenly she was cut adrift by the mainstream media. Did she start speaking too much truth?

Logan appeared on Emerald Robinson’s show The Absolute Truth, which airs on Frank Speech TV, to discuss her recent cancellation by Newsmax following her claims that the liberal elite are involved in sickening crimes against children.

Welcoming Logan onto her show, Robinson kicked off the Monday interview by declaring the “truth has been out there for years” to support Logan’s claim that liberal elites feast on children’s blood.

Robinson played a local news segment about a startup that offered blood transfusions to middle-aged patients from younger people as real-world evidence of the elites’ sickening fetish.

Robinson, who was canceled by Newsmax as a White House correspondent for sharing her opinion that COVID-19 vaccines contain a tracking device, then told Logan her cancelation showed she was “right over the target” because the mainstream media ran the “same playbook” by doing “everything to say you sound crazy.”

“You know what’s funny about that narrative, Emerald, is that when I got death threats mailed to me by antifa it mirrored exactly the smear that you hear all across the media,” Logan replied. “Which should tell you everything about the relationship between these violent extremists and agitators and people within the media.”

“Funny part is, I really don’t care about being canceled by Newsmax,” Logan added, claiming she could never have worked for the network because of the “Ukraine war porn they put all over their air” and their unwillingness to “acknowledge the fraud” in the 2020 presidential election.

“There’s a reason I haven’t rushed into the arms of another employer after Fox Nation asked me to lay low for a while and let everything blow over after my comments about Dr. Fauci,” she added.

Logan was referencing her comments comparing Fauci with Dr. Josef Mengele, the infamous Nazi doctor, which resulted in Fox News canceling her and her agent refusing to work with her again.

(To learn who really rules over us, simply find out who we are not allowed to criticize.)

After Logan stood by her Fauci remarks while calling the infectious disease expert a “stone-cold blooded killer,” Robinson circled back to the comments that led to Logan’s ban from Newsmax.

“What actually kind of surprised me by it is I didn’t find anything you said really controversial,” Robinson noted. “And knowing their audience, which I know extremely well—clearly, right—I know exactly who their audience is! That’s an audience that knows all of this information that you were saying and that this is verified, and they’re largely Christian believers.” The MyPillow TV host then wondered why there was “such a strong reaction” by Newsmax compared to what Logan said, asking the ex-CBS reporter why she thought that was the case.

“The reason I believe that people reacted that way is it’s all about the children. The question they don’t want us asking is where are all the missing children?” Logan exclaimed.

“What happens to these children? How can hundreds of thousands of kids go missing in the United States every year and nobody knows where they are? They just vanish? I don’t think so,” she continued. “Every sex trafficking ring worldwide knows, bring the kids to the United States that this administration is participating in the trafficking of kids!”

Logan also claimed that Child Protective Services (CPS) has been “directly involved” in kidnapping huge numbers of very young children over the past 20 years, accusing them of using these young children in “sex rings,” “snuff videos” and “child pornography.”

“This administration is participating in the trafficking of kids!” Logan breathlessly proclaimed. “They’re paying companies, LLCs and non-profits, and church groups. They’re paying them to take these kids and disappear them.”

Referencing the news report Robinson showed at the start of the interview, Logan claimed that the “blood of young children [is] the secret to anti-aging” before asking, “And why does nobody ask, where does the blood come from?”

The respected investigative journalist, meanwhile, answered her own question with a series of other questions.

“How do you get the blood of young children?” Logan concluded. “And does it matter if the children are younger and younger and younger? So now you’re talking about the blood of babies now? Is that what you’re talking about?”

The mainstream media might have cancelled Lara Logan for speaking her truth, but the truth will always find a way to come out.

Nicole Kidman admitted that while shooting Eyes Wide Shut, Stanley Kubrick told her the world is run by psychopathic pedophiles.

Lara Logan Says Biden Administration Is ‘Guilty’ of ‘Trafficking Children For the Elite’

“Stanley told me the world’s run by pedophiles. He studied secret societies his whole life, he was fascinated by them, and said they are full of men with a certain predilection. They’re tied together, sort of bonded, by pedophilia.”

As people continue waking up to the reality of the psychopathic elite, more people are joining the growing chorus of demands for justice for the children affected by the Satanic pedophiles who run the world.

Former Disney child star China McClain is the latest to speak her truth.

The mainstream media will cancel and blackball anybody who dares to step out of their lane and criticise the elite. We must support these brave whistleblowers. The future of our children might depend upon them.


(Article by Baxter Dmitry republished from

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