Why do you now have to put flour in the pan before preparing the eggs? The trick that changes everything


Why do you now have to put flour in the pan before preparing the eggs? The trick that changes everything

Why sprinkle a little flour in the pan before making scrambled eggs?

True, in absolute terms, even a child can prepare scrambled eggs. It is surely one of the simplest dishes to prepare. And yet, many people complain about having half the eggs stuck to the pan. The desired texture is not always there either: either the eggs are too dry, or burnt or even rubbery. And to think that all the ingredients were there to make the recipe a perfect success. What exactly was wrong, one often wonders.

Surely you are making some fatal mistakes. Take, for example, do you have the habit of putting your eggs directly into the frying pan when they come out of the refrigerator? Bad idea. This temperature shock is probably responsible for some problems. Hot oil will also disrupt the cooking process: before the heat even reaches the yolk, the white will brown too quickly. It is therefore important to leave your eggs for a few minutes at room temperature.

To succeed with your scrambled eggs, you must first take them out of the fridge earlier and then sprinkle a few grams of flour in the oil. Why ? Flour will prevent small burns and reduce oil splashes. When adding the eggs, we recommend that you lower the heat so that the egg white can cook more slowly. This will prevent it from popping, sizzling or drying out. Once cooked, the yolk will then reach the right temperature.

Flour thus remains one of the best tricks to incorporate into the pan when preparing frying.

Crispy cutlets
Crispy cutlets – Source: spm

Flour has more than one trick up its sleeve!

  • How to make crispy cutlets?

Do you want to cook in the oven, but are you apprehensive about the laborious cleaning of the molds afterwards? The trick is simple: before putting it in the oven, cover the dish with a little flour which will replace the butter or the baking sheet. As a bonus, you’ll kill two birds with one stone: not only will your breaded cutlets be crispier, but cleaning up won’t be tedious. Same principle with the ham: sprinkle the pieces with a little flour and a teaspoon of baking powder. They won’t stick to the mold and will keep a tasty texture.

  • Use a little flour to fry your meat

If you want to fry a piece of meat in the pan, there are a few rules to follow. First of all, you have to avoid thermal shock: if your meat has just come out of the fridge and you plunge it directly into the oily and very hot pan, this sudden change in temperature risks quickly burning your piece of meat and altering its taste. Not to mention the burnt residue on the utensil that will give you a hard time cleaning. The best is still to use a little flour: sprinkle it on the oil in the same way as for scrambled eggs.

Good to know : you should know that flour has a very interesting thickening effect in cooking. Sprinkling it on the meat also helps make the crust tastier and protects it from too high a heat. In addition, it will not brown too quickly and will have a nice golden color.

  • Stop oil stains on the pan!

Here again, flour is a ready-made solution. To facilitate cleaning after a frying preparation, there is a ritual to do beforehand. The trick is to add a teaspoon of wheat flour to the still cold oil in the pan. That way, when it starts to heat up, once the food gets near it, it won’t splash all over the place. This will prevent dirt deposits and burnt debris in the sides.

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