UK flips back to green cult as new prime minister cancels fracking order, setting country up for energy collapse

UK flips back to green cult as new prime minister cancels fracking order, setting country up for energy collapse

The United Kingdom will continue to fail to reach its full economic potential, at the expense of its own people, thanks to one of the first decisions from the country’s new prime minister.

Though she did not last long in her position, outgoing PM Liz Truss did order a resumption in shale oil fracking that included offering households £1,000 each for allowing the practice in their neighborhoods.

According to the Financial Times, her successor – the new PM, World Economic Forum-sponsored Rishi Sunak, is reversing Truss’s order, and reinstating the fracking ban, meaning Sunak is forcing the UK back into the ‘green’ religion:

During his first prime minister’s questions in the House of Commons on Wednesday, the new UK prime minister told MPs that he “stands by” the Conservative party’s 2019 manifesto commitment that halted fracking. The moratorium was briefly lifted by Truss during her brief period as prime minister.

That manifesto, which came after a 2.9 earthquake was caused by private fracking firm Cuadrilla, says: “We placed a moratorium on fracking in England with immediate effect. Having listened to local communities, we have ruled out changes to the planning system. We will not support fracking unless the science shows categorically that it can be done safely.”

Following that, then-PM Boris Johnson’s government pronounced that it would ban all new fracking wells and the only active fracking site in the country at the time, in northwest England, would be shut down immediately.

As noted further by Zero Hedge:

Truss’s reversal was set to increase North Sea drilling, a renewed focus on accelerating offshore wind farms, a pre-announced £400 energy bill discount and the removal of green levies costing £150 – capping the typical household energy bill approximately £1,971.

Sunak, however, is still advocating for offshore wind plants “and more nuclear,” adding “that is what this government will deliver.”

UK NatGas production had been notably declining since 2000.

Sunak’s proclamation comes amid the resignation of Jacob Rees-Mogg on Tuesday, who is a fracking advocate that Truss placed in charge of the country’s energy strategy. Notably, he warned against “climate alarmism” and added that he wanted cheap, affordable energy for the British people “rather more than I would like them to have windmills.”

That led another greenie, Rebecca Newsom, head of political affairs for Greenpeace UK, to claim that Rees-Mogg is the “last person who should be in charge of the energy brief,” adding that “appointing him to the brief now suggests the Torries have learned nothing from some years of energy policy incompetence.”

But in fact, it’s the ‘green religion’ that has failed the UK in terms of energy policies, not fossil fuel advocates. There simply isn’t the technology available at present to completely remove fossil fuels from the energy production equation; countries can’t build windmills or construct enough solar panel farms (especially in cloudy UK) to power a first-world economy, as the rest of Europe has demonstrated.

For that matter, the ‘climate change’ lunatics have even managed to kill off nuclear energy, which has been around for more than a half-century and literally produces zero emissions (leading critics of their movement to believe they’re not really interested in clean air as much as they are interested in control).

Worse, left-wing leaders in EU countries are hypocrites and stupid. While they forced their own countries to give up producing cheap, accessible, and yes, clean-burning fossil fuels, they became more reliant on Russian fossil fuels, a nation they were supposed to be defending against per their membership in NATO.

All in all, the head-long plunge into unreliable and expensive ‘green energy’ was foolish, ill-planned, and based entirely on an unproven premise: That SUVs and cattle flatulence are causing the earth’s climate to change.

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