UFOs and Aliens are Time Travelers Arriving to Confirm Historical Facts

UFOs and Aliens are Time Travelers Arriving to Confirm Historical Facts

One of the controversies that has been around the UFO phenomenon is what UFOs are. For some, they are experimental aircraft being tested by the government. For others, they are alien spaceships from outer space, here on their mysterious missions.

Another idea is that they are interdimensional operators moving across a bridge between realities from some parallel dimension. However, these are not all theories, and more and more attention is being paid to the fact that aliens may not be those described above, but rather people from the future.

One idea that has been put forward regarding the origin of UFOs and alien encounters is that they are not aliens from another planet or dimension at all, but rather us. The idea basically boils down to the fact that these creatures are people from the future.

One of the main people behind this theory in recent years is Michael Masters, a professor of biological anthropology at Montana Tech who has been fascinated with UFOs ever since his father encountered them when he was a child.

Throughout his career as an anthropologist, he sought real scientific research into the UFO phenomenon, culminating in his book Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon.

One area that Masters found particularly exciting was the idea that “aliens” could actually be human beings from the distant future. And he uses his knowledge of human evolution to support this claim.

In many reports of aliens, we have “grays”, perhaps the most common type of creatures. These creatures are usually described as thin, bipedal, and hairless, with enlarged skulls, small mouths and jaws, tiny noses, and very large eyes.

UFOs and Aliens are Time Travelers Arriving to Confirm Historical Facts

All very human-like considering that if they were traveling from another planet, it seems unlikely that they would be like us. Instead, Masters and others who subscribe to his theory believe that such an appearance is more in line with the trends and patterns of human evolution throughout our history on this planet.

Indeed, looking at the expected path of human evolution into the future, it is predicted that we will develop hairlessness, larger heads for more brain space, smaller mouth openings, and many other features of these so-called aliens.

In fact, if you look at these predicted trends and quickly imagine a modern human to simulate these changes, at some point you will find a creature that is very similar to the “grays” that are observed in UFOs.

It seems to make sense. After all, it seems more likely that we evolve to look like them than that a completely alien species from another world evolve to look like us.

At the same time that we evolve into this form, our technology will also take a leap, possibly leading to the ability to travel through time at some point, and with these fantastic machines and alien appearance, it will be quite natural for a human to come to the conclusion that he is seeing aliens, not time travelers.

It all looks like something straight out of science fiction, but then again, so does the idea that aliens are visiting Earth from space, light years away and a sea of ​​stars. According to Master, the idea of ​​a time traveler is actually a more rational explanation for UFOs, a simpler possibility than suggesting that space civilizations exist and visit us, and he told Space.com about this:

“If we continue to evolve as we have in the six to seven million years since we first walked upright, our neurocranium—the top of the skull and brain—continues to grow in size and become more and more rounded.

“If the same dominant trend continues into the future, we are likely to look very similar to what is commonly described in UFO reports.”

The book links known aspects of our evolutionary history to what is still the unverified, unconfirmed fact of UFOs and aliens.

“We know that we are here. We know that people exist. We know that we have had a long evolutionary history on this planet. And we know that our technology will be more advanced in the future.

“I think the simplest explanation seems to be that it’s us. I’m just trying to offer what is probably the simplest explanation. I think the simplest explanation, in general, is that we are”, says Master.

Well, what if we assume for a moment that the aliens are us from the future and the UFOs are their ship, then why would they even come at this time? The answer to this question can be anything.

Perhaps they are only here to study us or explore times in their history. Maybe they are here as tourists, just watching the past. Maybe in the future there are disputes in the data of history of the world and the authorities fly on UFOs to study history live.

Masters said of his own thoughts on the matter:

“The alleged abduction evidence is mostly scientific. It is probably the future anthropologists, historians, linguists who are returning to get information in a way that currently cannot be without access to this technology.

“Perhaps this is my bias as a paleoanthropologist, but I think they are studying their own past. There may also be a tourism component in which people pay to come back and relive monumental moments in human history.

“Undoubtedly, in the future there are those who will pay big money to be able to return and see their favorite period in history. Some of the most popular tourist attractions are the Pyramids of Giza and Machu Picchu in Peru… old and prehistoric places.”

UFOs and Aliens are Time Travelers Arriving to Confirm Historical Facts

Masters even went too far to suggest that the fact that they are time travelers and not space aliens may explain why they mostly keep to themselves and do not announce their presence. In the end, this could lead to a disruption of the timeline and complicate the situation. He explained it this way:

“If they’ve come all this way through space, why don’t they introduce themselves after such a long journey? Over time it makes more sense, as the complication comes from meddling in the past.

“It doesn’t change the past, but you become part of the past. There is nothing that forbids interaction, so it’s not like we made contact with our future selves and exploded. It just complicates everything.

“There are definitely still missing pieces of the puzzle. There are aspects of time that we do not yet understand. The theory of quantum gravity is required, and we can combine general relativity and quantum mechanics. I’m just trying to present a better model based on current scientific knowledge. Hopefully, over time, we can continue to build on it.”

It could also explain why we haven’t made radio contact with these aliens in the gaping abyss of space, because they’re just us, sliding through time. It’s all a pretty wild theory, but in many ways no more bizarre than any other idea of ​​what aliens and UFOs might be.

It certainly puts an interesting stamp on things to imagine that at least some of these beings might not be alien intelligences from space beyond the stars or through the veil between dimensions, but us.

Is there something in it, or is it just clinging to straws? In the void of any concrete answers regarding the UFO phenomenon, there is at least a possibility worth pursuing, and in time we will probably know for sure.

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