Russian Jet Nosedives Into Building In Siberia In 2nd Deadly Crash Within A Week

Russia's military has suffered a second fighter jet crash in less than a week within its own borders on Sunday. Two pilots were killed when their Su-30 fighter jet went down in the city of Irkutsk in southern Siberia on Sunday. 

Dramatic and shocking video shows the aircraft dive almost vertically before slamming into a two-story residential building. The families that reside there were unharmed, according to a statement by the regional governor.

Social media stillframe of crash aftermath on Sunday, via Mash.

Emergency crews were on the scene quickly as a huge fireball engulfed the building upon impact. It's being described as an accident which occurred in the midst of routine flight training.

Some Russian sources referred to it as a "test flight" - and interestingly the city is home to an aircraft factory which manufactures Su-30 fighters.

According to the BBC, "Russia's state Investigative Committee said it had opened a criminal investigation into violations of air safety rules."

Sunday's crash was caught on video from multiple angles by passersby on the ground. The jet is seen in a freefall nosedive and no ejection or parachutes were seen deployed.

A mere one week ago a training flight crash involving a Sukhoi Su-34 slamming into an apartment complex resulted in the deaths of 15 people on the ground. 

Both incidents appeared completely unrelated to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, where Russian aerial forces have stepped up operations across the country of late, particularly targeting Ukrainian energy infrastructure. 

Below: newly published footage of the prior crash in Yeysk on October 17.

In the prior incident, which took place in the town of Yeysk, the pilots ejected at the very last moment and survived the accident. 

(Article by Tyler Durden republished from

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