Putin places blame for Nordstream sabotage squarely on Biden after he threatened to shut it down over Ukraine invasion

Putin places blame for Nordstream sabotage squarely on Biden after he threatened to shut it down over Ukraine invasion

(Planet Today) Russian President Vladimir Putin has made it crystal clear that he blames the United States for sabotaging the Nordstream 1 and 2 natural gas pipelines last week after a video surfaced of President Joe Biden and other U.S. officials threatening to take them out if Russia invaded Ukraine.

Putin made his remarks last week in the wake of the unprecedented attack on another country’s vital infrastructure, which critics said could hasten the arrival of World War III.

“They are destroying European energy infrastructure… it’s clear who benefits,” Putin was quoted as saying. “It’s obvious to everyone who did it.”

The Moscow Times added:

Putin blamed the United States for this week’s unexplained explosions at the Nord Stream pipelines that have left the damaged pipelines leaking huge amounts of natural gas into the Baltic Sea.

The Russian president also addressed the upcoming winter, which is shaping up to be especially brutal for Europeans after having lost the Nordstream links.

“They print money, but you cannot warm your homes with this printed money… They have to convince their citizens to shower less, eat less, and put on warm clothes,” he said, according to the Moscow outlet.

“The Western elites…it’s a crisis due to their own fault,” he said, trying to shift blame to the West for his invasion. He also said that the goal of the “hybrid war” in Ukraine is “to break Russia at any costs.”

“The dictatorship of the Western elite is directed against all societies, including against the peoples of those Western countries themselves. It’s a challenge for all. This means the total negation of the human, the overthrow of religion and traditional values as the crushing of freedom becomes to look like the opposite of religion – open Satanism,” Putin continued, which is a familiar theme of his, going on to reject ridiculous attempts by the West to impose “LGBTQ” gender ideology, which he appropriately deems a threat to Russian society.

“Do we really want to have a parent No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 instead of mom and dad in Russia? Do we want children to be told that there are other genders besides men and women? Is this the future we want for our children? For us, this is unacceptable,” Putin said, according to translated remarks.

“I’ve watched a lot of Putin speeches over the last 10-15 years and this is the most anti-US one by a really long way. If I were a western policymaker wondering if he’d really use nuclear weapons – and he hasn’t even got to them yet – I’d be very concerned,” one observer noted on Twitter.

The Moscow Times added:

He also slammed Washington’s past use of nuclear weapons, comments that follow his warning last week that he “wasn’t bluffing” about resorting to “any means necessary” in Ukraine.

“The U.S. is the only country in the world to have used nuclear weapons,” Putin said. “Creating a precedent.”

As Putin spoke in the Kremlin, hundreds of Russians gathered in Red Square in front of a stage emblazoned with the words “Donetsk. Luhansk. Zaporizhzhia. Kherson. Russia!”

Actually, the U.S. utilized atomic weapons, but it signaled the beginning of the nuclear age as the then-Soviet Union built its own weapons shortly thereafter.

The Biden regime responded by vowing that it would “not stand by as Putin fraudulently attempts to annex parts of Ukraine,” while then announcing new expanded sanctions against Russian individuals and entities.

“Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated 14 persons in Russia’s military-industrial complex, including two international suppliers, three key leaders of Russia’s financial infrastructure, immediate family members of some of senior Russian officials, and 278 members of Russia’s legislature for enabling Russia’s sham referenda and attempt to annex sovereign Ukrainian territory,” said the administration.

(Article by JD Heyes republished from Citizens.news)

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