Israeli company that produces 3D-printed fake meat opens new factory in the Netherlands

Israeli company that produces 3D-printed fake meat opens new factory in the Netherlands

Israeli lab-grown meat company Redefine Meat has signed a deal to establish a new 3D-printed meat factory in the Netherlands.

Redefine Meat sells a line of lab-grown meat products under the brand name “New Meat.” These fake meats are manufactured using 3D printers to mimic certain types of meats like steaks, tenderloins, striploins and other choice and premium cuts. The company currently operates large-scale meat printers in the city of Rehovot in Israel, just south of Tel Aviv. (Related: Fake meat grown in labs might make investors rich, but it’s a nightmare for human health.)

The cultured meat startup recently established a partnership with Monaco-based meat importer and exporter Giraudi Meats.

This partnership involves providing Redefine Meat with $170 million in financing and making Giraudi Meats the exclusive European distributor for New Meat products.

In addition, both companies have agreed to set up a new factory for 3D printing meat in the Netherlands with the hope that this foothold will help establish New Meat products as viable alternatives to what they call “conventionally produced meat,” or actual meat raised by ranchers in fields and farmlands.

New Meat is currently available in Israel, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Germany in almost 1,000 restaurants that are currently paying the company about $40 per kilo. Redefine Meat’s agreement with Giraudi Meats gives the meat importer and exporter distribution rights for New Meat products in France, Greece, Italy and Sweden. Giraudi Meats is expected to follow this up by distributing the products to “dozens” more countries next year.

Redefine Meat co-founder and CEO Eschar Ben-Shitrit said the decision to partner with Giraudi Meats was influenced by the meat company’s “exclusive” nature and his desire to forge New Meat’s reputation into one of high class.

“They don’t do just regular meat. They do exclusive meat,” said Ben-Shitrit. “And as you can imagine, you don’t find exclusive meat in regular retail. They distribute to restaurants – some that they own – and they also distribute directly to distributors in smaller countries. And of course, butchers, but again, not your standard butcher.”

Redefine Meat will be able to increase fake meat production following acquisition

Redefine Meat grows its fake meat using genetically modified cells cultured in labs, which are then 3D printed to mimic meat products. Some of the New Meat products are made from ingredients including soy and pea proteins, chickpeas, beetroot, nutritional yeasts and coconut fat.

“Our product is meat, it has the same attributes, it is just manufactured in a different way,” claimed Ben-Shitrit. “The fact that our products are now being sold by Giraudi meats, the same people who sell high-quality meat, shows that they are not compromised vegan products.”

Ben-Shitrit noted that, with the acquisition of a meat factory in the Netherlands, the company will be able to increase the production of its fake meat goods on a commercial scale.

“While we don’t have unlimited capacity, our capacity will grow more than 15 times this month, and we will continue to grow until we are at full capacity – which will be 500 tonnes [551 tons] a month,” said Ben-Shitrit. “We are moving from 15 to 20 tonnes [16.5 tons to 22 tons] a day.”

Learn more about lab-grown meat at

Watch this clip from InfoWars as host Harrison Smith discusses a vegan burger that won an award for tasting like human meat.

This video is from the InfoWars channel on

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