How to find out that a man doesn't love you or even loved you

How to find out that a man doesn't love you or even loved you

(Planet Today) You have been living together for a year, but you still have the feeling that there is no love. The person doesn't love you, and probably has never loved you. But how do you find out? That it was more accurate than the usual intuition and personal feelings. About this we will talk. After all, it's no secret that some people create relationships and even families, even if there is no love.

Well, first and foremost, I would pay attention to what influences a person. It will always correlate with the possibility that the person never loved you. If a person constantly listens to friends, parents, and so on, then they are more likely not to love you. After all, such a person is guided not by his feelings, not by his attraction to the person, but by what his family and friends tell him.

For example, parents wished that the person would start a family. Plus all of his friends already had a family or a relationship. And so, that person made the decision to find someone just to have one. Doesn't even have to be in love. And that's where you come in handy. You think it's love. 

After all, the person tries to please you, wants to continue the relationship and create a family. But it's only because of the influence of others, not because of love. But how do you find out from the situation that the person has never loved you?

Love, in many ways, is about caring. You have to look at how the person cared about you at the beginning of the relationship and now. Especially in the little things. For example: he made a little surprise, he supported you when you needed it, or helped you with something.

If it never happened. Yes, sometimes the person did something, but it did not feel particularly caring, then the chances are high that he never loved you. And, if anything, we're talking about men as well as women.

Another point. You have to pay attention to what a man takes and what he gives. If a man is trying to take as much as possible, and give as little as possible, then it's likely that the man is trying to use you. And, naturally, there has never been love in this.

A trivial example is when a woman is with a man for his money. Or when a man is with a woman for her beauty, to raise his voice in front of others, saying: "That's the woman I could get".

So you have to look for the main motive. If you have a feeling that you have never been loved, and the man has a motive to be with you without love, then you should think about it. Maybe the person is getting status, money, approval or something else. It's different for everyone.

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