Hillary Clinton already denying results of 2024 presidential election

Hillary Clinton already denying results of 2024 presidential election

Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is already denying the results of the 2024 presidential election.

In a video posted on Twitter by grassroots organization Indivisible Guide, the former First Lady warned that “right-wing extremists already have a plan to literally steal the presidential election” in 2024. Thus, she called on supporters to “take the fight to MAGA Republicans at the the state level.”

Clinton warned that the “right-wing controlled Supreme Court” would ultimately grant state legislatures the power to overturn presidential elections. Incidentally, many state legislatures have a Republican majority – which is on the line in the 2022 midterm elections.

“If that happens, the 2024 presidential election will be decided, not by the popular vote or even by the anachronistic Electoral College, but by state legislatures.”

The former secretary of state during the Obama administration urged supporters to donate to the “crush the coup” campaign “to help defend democracy.” She added: “This could not be more important or more urgent.”

Greg Price, senior digital strategist for conservative PR firm X Strategies, pointed out that Clinton had also denied the results of past elections. He cited examples of the former First Lady doing so in 2000, 2004 and 2016. Incidentally, her prior denials occurred during years when GOP candidates won as president.

She claimed in 2000 that former President George W. Bush was “selected, not elected.” Five years later, she remarked that there were “many legitimate questions” about the 2004 elections that gave Bush his second term. Later, Clinton denounced former President Donald Trump as an “illegitimate president” when the real estate mogul won as president in 2016.

“She is a dangerous election denier, an insurrectionist and a threat to the very foundations of our democracy,” Price tweeted.

Clinton’s remarks mocked on social media

Many conservative figures also took to Twitter to respond to Clinton denying the results of future elections.

Brigitte Gabriel, founder and CEO of activist group ACT! For America, tweeted in response: “Hillary Clinton is spreading misinformation about the elections. Shouldn’t she be de-platformed?”

Benny Johnson, who hosts “The Benny Report” on Newsmax, also shared Gabriel’s sentiments regarding Clinton spreading misinformation about how the GOP is going to “‘steal’ the 2024 elections.” He also asked if the former secretary of state will be de-platformed for her posts.

Trump campaign surrogate and author Nick Adams pointed out the double standards between Clinton, “a nasty woman peddling lies and misinformation about [the] elections,” and the former president. He asked: “Why is she allowed to keep her platform but Trump is not?”

Turning Point USA founder and Executive Director Charlie Kirk concurred with Price, calling the former First Lady “an election denier and conspiracy theorist who represents an existential threat to our democracy.”

Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX), meanwhile, posted a question in response to Clinton’s claims about the GOP attempting to steal the 2024 elections: “Does she have another fake dossier to ‘prove’ it?”

Head over to Clinton.news for more stories about the former First Lady and failed presidential candidate.

Watch Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson weigh in on Hillary Clinton’s remarks below.

This video is from the GalacticStorm channel on Brighteon.com.

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