Biden admin essentially admits to sabotaging Russian pipeline, saying it represents ‘tremendous opportunity’

Biden admin essentially admits to sabotaging Russian pipeline, saying it represents ‘tremendous opportunity’

(Planet Today) The hapless Biden regime has essentially admitted that it is responsible for sabotaging Russia’s Nordstream 1 and 2 pipelines last week.

Since the attacks last week, which were unprecedented in Europe since World War II, diplomats and leaders from around the world have been asking the question, “Whodunit?”

But as the questions (and outrage) reached a crescendo, the regime pretty much answered the question when a top official bluntly admitted that the attacks represent an “opportunity.”

During a joint press conference on Friday with his Canadian counterpart, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, lacking any self-awareness whatsoever, observed that the damage to the multibillion-dollar pipelines (which has since been repaired, by the way) was being viewed by the left-wing lunatics within Biden’s White House as a “tremendous opportunity” to reduce European reliance on Russian energy imports. Oh, and of course, less gas flowing also means less ’emissions’ in the air, which helps combat ‘climate change’ and leads to a faster transition to ‘green’ energy and electric vehicles (which few people really want).

“I think first it’s important to make clear that these pipelines – that is, Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 – were not pumping gas into Europe at this time.  Nord Stream 2 never became operational, as is well known. Nord Stream 1 has been shut down for weeks because of Russia’s weaponization of energy,” he claimed (Russia hasn’t ‘weaponized’ its energy resources but has shifted its energy policies to compensate for massive Western economic sanctions).

Not long after, Blinken said of the sabotage, “ultimately this is also a tremendous opportunity.”

“It’s a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy and thus to take away from Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs,” he said.

At the same time, Blinken then touted that the U.S. had become “the leading supplier of LNG (liquified natural gas) to Europe” (after President Donald Trump unleashed the American energy industry to become the powerhouse it can be). The secretary of state went on to stress that the Biden regime is assisting European leaders to “decrease demand” on Russian energy and “speed up the transition to renewables” (that will never be enough to power the continent, using the current technologies of solar and wind).

Interestingly, “in that single section of comments while speaking alongside his Canadian counterpart, Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly, Blinken had repeated the word ‘opportunity’ while highlighting the European energy crisis no less than three times,” Zero Hedge reported.

“Too bad that this tremendous opportunity for DC bureaucrats will come at the expense of everyone else, especially this coming winter,” said Aaron Mate, host of the Pushback Podcast.

How arrogant and dismissive the Biden regime has become towards a continent allegedly full of ‘allies.’

Blinken’s Canadian counterpart played her Western globalist role and blamed the sabotage on Russia. But a piece in the American Conservative brilliantly explained why that is bunk:

One could certainly see why sabotaging Nord Stream benefits the US. We didn’t want Europe to get Nord Stream in the first place, because it would make Europe dependent on Russian gas. This is perfectly reasonable, from an American point of view. However, if Washington sabotaged those pipelines in the middle of the Ukraine-Russia war, that would mean an insane escalation of the war, to sabotaging critical infrastructure.

Think about it: if Russia can’t deliver gas to Europe anyway, because the pipelines are too damaged, that makes it harder to make peace and restore energy flow to Europe. This fits Washington’s policy goals. That doesn’t mean Washington is responsible for this sabotage, but there’s a lot more reason for Washington to have blown the pipelines up than for Russia.

The Biden regime is slow-walking Americans into World War III.

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