“Weak and Pathetic RINO” – Trump Shreds Former Attorney General Bill Barr

“Weak and Pathetic RINO” – Trump Shreds Former Attorney General Bill Barr

President Trump on Friday ripped into Bill Barr after the former Attorney General attacked Trump for storing ‘classified’ documents at Mar-a-Lago.

Bill Barr earlier Friday trashed Trump during a segment on Fox News.

Barr defended Biden’s jackbooted thugs who raided Trump’s Florida home and bashed the former president for storing White House documents at Mar-a-Lago.

“I think for them to taken things to the current point they probably have pretty good evidence.. People say this was unprecedented, well it’s also unprecedented for a president to take all this classified information and put them in a county club,” Bill Barr said.

“Weak and Pathetic RINO” – Trump Shreds Former Attorney General Bill Barr

Trump didn’t put classified documents in a “country club.”

According to Trump, he had a “standing order” to declassify all documents before leaving the White House and he stored them in Secret Service guarded office.

However, Bill Barr insisted Trump never declassified the documents.

“If in fact he sort of stood over scores of boxes, not really knowing what was in them, and said, ‘I hereby declassify everything in here,’ that would be such an abuse,” Barr told Fox News.

Trump ripped into “weak and pathetic RINO” Bill Barr in a series of Truth Social posts.

Trump did not hold back.

“Former A.G. Bill Barr was fired long before I left the White House on January 20th. He acted very slowly on the “No Collusion” Mueller Report in that the FBI and “Justice” had the “Laptop from Hell” in their possession, which totally exonerated me long before Mueller’s decision came out, years later – A waste of time & money. The Laptop information should have been released BEFORE the Rigged Election, not after it, for the VOTERS TO SEE. He was petrified of the lunatic Dems & of being Impeached!” – Trump wrote Friday.

Trump then accused Bill Barr of becoming a captive to the radical left Democrats.

“Bill Barr had “no guts,” and got “no glory.” He was a weak and pathetic RINO, who was so afraid of being Impeached that he became a captive to the Radical Left Democrats – “Please, please, please don’t impeach me,” he supposedly said. Barr never fought the way he should have for Election Integrity, and so much else. He started off OK as A.G., but faded fast – Didn’t have courage or stamina. People like that will never Make America Great Again!” Trump wrote

(Article by Cristina Laila republished from TheGatewayPundit)

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