Video: CNN tells viewers Monkeypox is NOT sexually-transmitted

Video: CNN tells viewers Monkeypox is NOT sexually-transmitted

Despite vast amounts of data showing that the spread of Monkeypox is occurring predominantly  among gay men, CNN went to great lengths to explain that it is absolutely NOT sexually transmitted.

(Article by Steve Watson republished from

As reported here in The Scientific AmericanMonkeypox Is a Sexually Transmitted Infection, and Knowing That Can Help Protect People.

The piece notes that “Black and Latino men who have sex with men are most vulnerable to monkeypox,” and cites data that finds “Outside Africa, 99 percent of the cases have been in men, and 92 to 98 percent have been in self-identified men who have sex with men.”

“A study published in the BMJ in late July found 196 of 197 cases of MPX in London were in people who identified as men who had sex with men,” the article also notes.

The evidence is so voluminous that the World Health Organisation is on the verge of classifying Monkeypox as an STI.

The author of the article, Steven Thrasher warns that by “not naming, researching, preventing and addressing how transmission is happening,” people will be kept “from understanding how to prevent infection, allow unnecessary worry, and exacerbate racist and homophobic social determinants of health.”

“In the past few months, there has been considerable backlash to naming MPX an STI [sexually-transmitted infection] out of the usually well-intentioned but ultimately misguided belief that doing so will increase stigma,” Thrasher also explains.

And that’s where CNN comes in.

The network’s national correspondent Dianne Gallagher lectured viewers Tuesday (albeit not that many of them) that “monkeypox is NOT a sexually-transmitted infection.”

Gallagher added that “If the Biden administration wants its outreach to be a success, celebrating [pride] while educating, without discriminating, is the only way to approach it.”


Following the science? Not when it means ‘creating a stigma’.

Earlier this month, infectious disease experts in Sweden criticized the country’s gay pride parade organizers for failing to provide any information on monkeypox ahead of a march that they warn could be a ‘super spreader’ event.

The World Health Organization recently said that cases continue to spread amongst “men who have sex with men,” although after saying summer festivals should be limited, they later clarified that gay pride events should go ahead as normal.

After health authorities in San Francisco issued a public health emergency over monkeypox, gay men were still encouraged to attend the annual pride parade as well as sex orgies.

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