(Planet Today) Pope Francis has once again warned of an imminent apocalyptic war that threatens the very existence of humanity.
“The tempest of the COVID-19 pandemic has imposed various limitations on our daily lives and our pastoral activities,” the pope said. “Now it seems that the worst is over, and thanks be to God, we can meet again.
“But unfortunately, Europe and the entire world are convulsed by a war of particular gravity, in terms of the violation of international law the risks of nuclear escalation, and the grave economic and social consequences,” Pope Francis added. “It is a ‘piecemeal’ third world war, to which you bear witness in the places where you carry out your mission.”
Headlineusa.com reports: The Pope originally warned of a third world war in June during a speech in which he said he believes it’s already begun.
“A few years ago, it occurred to me to say that we are experiencing a third world war fought piecemeal,” the pope told La Civilta Cattolica in June. “Today, for me, World War III has been declared.”
The announcement comes weeks after he called on Catholic churches globally to send their funds to the Vatican.
His rescript stated, “financial and liquid assets held in banks other than the IOR must be moved to the Vatican Bank within 30 days of Sept. 1, 2022.” The IOR’s profits were cut in the wake of COVID even as the rest of the world recovered.
His order requires Holy See institutions, which works with both religious and private organizations, to transfer its assets to the Vatican by the end of this month.
He has also expressed doubts about President Biden’s coherence, signaling that he may not have faith in the world’s superpower to lead effectively during another global war.
Growing global instabilities, including a struggling supply chain, inflation, and conflicts in both Europe and Asia have contributed to concerns about economic collapse and significant conflicts.
(Article by Sean Adl-Tabatabai republished from NewsPunch.com)
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