MAIN CONTENT How often should the dishwasher be cleaned? The essential step to eliminate bacteria

MAIN CONTENT How often should the dishwasher be cleaned? The essential step to eliminate bacteria

(Planet-Today) If you use a dishwasher, it’s good to get impeccable cutlery. However, it will be difficult to obtain satisfactory results if the device shows traces of dirt or is covered with grime and even mold. So we rely on this device to make our utensils shine, but we forget that it comes at a cost. Thus, the device needs to be maintained and the question is “how often does it need to be cleaned?” “.

MAIN CONTENT How often should the dishwasher be cleaned? The essential step to eliminate bacteria

Dishwasher open – Source: spm

How often should the dishwasher be cleaned?

If the question is legitimate, it is because very few households bother to clean their dishwasher regularly in order to preserve it. It is therefore necessary to carry out a thorough cleaning of your device. as often as possibleonce a month, to keep your device in good working order.

Because even if your dishwasher may seem immaculate at first glance, it could still require in-depth maintenance. For good reason, some harmful germs could have found refuge there. Reason why it is recommended to clean it as often as possible.

Signs that indicate the need to clean the dishwasher

Certain signs should alert you to the maintenance of your device. Among them, the smell. A damp, musty smell is probably the most obvious sign.

Another sign to pay attention to is the appearance of traces of humidity or a buildup of mold around the walls or corners of the dishwasher.

You may also notice stains on your dishes, which likely indicates that the dishwasher is clogged. These spots can often be caused by food residue stuck at the bottom of your device.

Tips for Properly Cleaning a Dishwasher

Proper maintenance of a dishwasher requires thorough cleaning, which involves the use of good products and the implementation of a certain methodology. You can therefore combine sodium bicarbonate and lemon juice because of their degreasing and cleansing properties. The stain-removing and deodorizing power of baking soda and the acidity of lemon, which breaks down grease, will effectively clean your appliance.

MAIN CONTENT How often should the dishwasher be cleaned? The essential step to eliminate bacteria

Lemon inside a dishwasher – Source: spm

To do this, simply squeeze the juice from a lemon and pour it directly into the washing-up liquid compartment of the appliance. Then activate a complete washing cycle by choosing the hottest program and let it work. You will see that the acidity of the lemon juice will help break down the grease encrusted on the walls as well as the accumulations of dirt. If your appliance is also very dirty, it is advisable to add two tablespoons of coarse salt to the lemon juice before activating the wash cycle. Also note that you can replace the lemon juice with citric acid or white vinegar which are particularly effective against limescale.

As for baking soda, just add 2 tablespoons of this ingredient before the start of the rinse cycle. VSThis multipurpose product will thoroughly clean your dishwasher while absorbing any unpleasant odors it may give off. Terrifyingly effective!

MAIN CONTENT How often should the dishwasher be cleaned? The essential step to eliminate bacteria

Dishwasher filter – Source: spm

Note that it is also recommended to clean the device’s filter to remove any particles that may have become embedded in it. After removing it, pour boiling water over it to get rid of any accumulation of fat. Finally, wipe it with a cloth soaked in white vinegar before finally putting it back in place.

Thorough and regular cleaning of the dishwasher using natural products, will preserve and perpetuate the efficiency of your appliance. Do not hesitate to adopt this method.

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