Leave 3 bay leaves in the fridge at night: the trick that gets rid of a problem we all have

Leave 3 bay leaves in the fridge at night: the trick that gets rid of a problem we all have
(Planet-Today) Keeping a perfectly hygienic fridge is a daily challenge. Between liquid spills, forgotten food that rots without warning, and strong-smelling chunks of cheese, there’s often a mix of not-so-pleasant scents in the device. If you leave things lying around without cleaning out your refrigerator in time, those odors will only accumulate more. And of course, a smelly fridge can affect all the rest of your food. To remedy this, our tip is welcome to refresh the device and deodorize the premises.

The laurel, from the garden to the kitchen

Of Mediterranean origin, the laurel is a dark green shrub with fragrant leaves that are distinguished by their aroma that is both sweet and slightly spicy. This herb is very popular for flavoring various dishes in the kitchen. It is widely used as a spice or condiment, since it goes well with various foods with different flavors. As a bonus, as the laurel has tremendous properties for health, cooks around the world do not hesitate to include it in a panoply of culinary recipes.

Properties and virtues of this aromatic plant

Laurel is considered a noble plant which thus contains many benefits for the body: it relieves digestion problems, prevents acidity, reduces gas and flatulence, boosts appetite. It also acquires properties that help cure respiratory diseases, such as flu, cough, bronchitis and pharyngitis. In infusion, it has a significant diuretic action to cleanse the kidneys and calm urinary tract infections. In addition, it improves blood circulation, relieves pain and reduces joint inflammation.

Laurel is also recommended in slimming diets, because it promotes the elimination of liquids. In essential oil, this herb has an incredible relaxing effect: it fights stress and anxiety.
In addition, it is also used in hair treatments, as bay leaves help fortify, revitalize and regenerate the scalp, thus stopping hair loss.

Leave 3 bay leaves in the fridge at night: the trick that gets rid of a problem we all have
Bay leaves – Source: spm

Before using the bay leaves, they must be dried so that they retain their properties for several months. But if you have fresh leaves from the garden and want to use them immediately, you can use this little homemade trick.

The method is very simple, just use the oven at low temperature (40°). Here are the steps to follow:

  • Place the leaves away from each other on the plate.
  • Let them dry for 30 minutes. Then turn them over and leave again for 30 minutes.
  • Don’t forget to peek in from time to time to check the condition of the leaves. Be careful that they don’t burn.
  • The best way to tell if they’re dry enough is to touch them: if they crumble easily, then they’re done.
  • Then turn off the oven and let the sheets cool inside for at least an hour.
  • Once cool, store them in an airtight container.

Another trick : The classic way to dry bay leaves is to hang them in a cool, dry place. All you have to do is cut some from the garden or the pot, wash them well and dry them with a paper towel. Then, tie them up to make a bouquet that you will hang upside down in a dark and airy area. Leave it like this for 15 days. After this time, the sheets will be perfectly dry and ready to use.

Leave 3 bay leaves in the fridge at night: the trick that gets rid of a problem we all have
Food in the fridge – Source: spm

It’s hard to escape: when liquids spill in the fridge or certain foods start to spoil, and the fridge isn’t cleaned frequently, the inside starts to smell bad. In addition, it is enough that the onions or garlic are not stored in an airtight container, so that the strong and persistent odors are linked. The solution ? The deodorizing power of bay leaves. Now that they are dry and operational, you can use them as much as you want to neutralize all the unpleasant odors that perfume the fridge.

The laurel thus acts as a perfect deodorizer for your refrigerator: you will only have to distribute a handful of dried leaves on the various shelves of the appliance. And voila ! We advise you to do it in the evening before going to sleep. The next morning, you will notice that your fridge is already much cooler than the day before. Repeat this for a few days and the foul odors will go away completely!

Good to know : when you cook certain strong-smelling foods, such as cauliflower, remember to add a few leaves to the cooking water. The disturbing scent evaporates in an instant!

Bay leaves, a powerful cockroach repellent

Since the temperatures have risen a notch, the invasion of insects in our homes has not gone unnoticed. Hard, hard to live with all these little critters that poison your daily life, especially these odious cockroaches that suddenly appear without warning. Do not panic, this invasion will not last long. We have the ideal method to keep them away from your home. Yes, like other aromatic plants, the laurel is highly recommended to keep cockroaches away from the kitchen and prevent their spread.

In addition to eliminating bad smells from the refrigerator, bay leaves can perfume your interior with a delicate and relaxing veil. But, if this smell will do you a lot of good, it will not be to everyone’s taste. And so much the better, since it will effectively repel a whole colony of flies, ants, mosquitoes, moths, aphids and cockroaches.

How to proceed ? Grind the bay leaves to obtain a powder or cut them into very small pieces. Then, all you have to do is scatter them in areas where you often detect the presence of cockroaches and other annoying insects.

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