DeSantis Calls Biden ‘The American Nero’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said that Joe Biden’s Thursday speech was “one of the most disgusting speeches an American president has ever given”

DeSantis made his comments on the Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle,” where he said that Biden is “trying to energize his base to fend off a real butt-whipping this November” and because that’s what his staff fed to him.

Breitbart reports: DeSantis said, “I thought it was one of the most disgusting speeches an American President has ever given. He ran as being a unifier and he’s basically saying to the vast majority of the country that disapproves of him that they’re effectively a threat to the republic. He dodders. He lashes out. But, at the end of the day, his policies are why there’s so much opposition to him. He came in and he opened the border and we’ve seen what a disaster that’s been. He kneecapped American energy. We’ve seen how that’s hurt millions and millions of people across our country. They’ve inflated the currency. We have one of the worst inflations we’ve had in over 40 years. So, of course, people are going to be upset at all of the wreckage that he’s left in his wake. He is the American Nero. He’s a failed leader and I think that he is doing this because he’s trying to energize his base to fend off a real butt-whipping this November.”

He added, “Look, it’s been said that the President of the United States is whoever is feeding his teleprompter. And so, if they fed that teleprompter in in Philadelphia last night, and he angrily delivered that speech and lashed out at his fellow countrymen. Today, he was asked off-the-cuff, and he said something totally opposite. But, I’d note, Raymond, they’re tweeting from his account the same nasty stuff that he said last night. And so, I think the people that are in control of the White House want to drive this message that people that dissent from his policies are somehow second-class citizens.”

DeSantis concluded that going into the elections, Republicans need to “Hold Biden accountable. This is a referendum on his failures. Make sure everybody knows how his policies have contributed to the mess we’re in, and then articulate what you will do to address things like the border, like crime, like inflation. I think if you do that, I think Republicans are going to win both chambers and I think it’ll be a really good day.”

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