Biden’s Pentagon working to embroil US, NATO in war with Russia: Officials admit DoD had a hand in sinking Moscow’s warships

Biden’s Pentagon working to embroil US, NATO in war with Russia: Officials admit DoD had a hand in sinking Moscow’s warships

(Planet Today) President Donald Trump not only did not get the United States involved in any new wars during his tenure, he actually reduced our involvement in hot spots, was on a path to withdraw from Afghanistan after 20 years of being there, and managed to convince historic enemies to sign several peace treaties.

But of course, he was called the second coming of Hitler; left-wing pundits and ‘military experts’ were sure he was going to start World War III; and he was accused of weakening our national security when in fact, the military got stronger under him and our adversaries behaved themselves.

After Joe Biden was installed in the Oval Office, however, all hell broke loose. Our allies became distrustful of our abilities again, China is increasingly bellicose with Taiwan and Japan, and Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, the latter of which was likely engineered in some way by our deep state.

And now, the deep state’s Pentagon is doing all it can to get us involved in all-out war — World War III, if you will — by becoming more deeply involved in the Russia-Ukraine war.

Already, at the expense of taxpayers and our own war stocks, the Biden regime and Congress have authorized tens of billions in money and equipment for Ukraine. What’s more, according to reports this week, the Pentagon has even admitted it is training Ukrainian forces to target Russian warships and is providing targeting data, which Putin is likely not particularly happy about.

“The stunning admission comes months after the April 14 sinking of Russia’s Black Sea flagship Moskva guided missile cruiser, which was carrying a crew of 510. It was nothing short of a disastrous and humiliating blow to the Russian Navy, and it was later confirmed that a pair of Neptune missiles took it out. It was also later revealed in that particular case the Ukraine forces had assistance from US intelligence,” Zero Hedge reported, citing published sources.

However, now the Pentagon’s role has been revealed to be much deeper when it comes to attacks on the Russian navy.

“Ukrainian forces who sunk [sic] a Russian warship with Harpoon missiles in June trained in the United States, the Pentagon’s top weapons buyer Bill LaPlante says,” says a new report in Defense One. “LaPlante said the Ukrainian forces trained in the U.S. over Memorial Day Weekend in late May. The Harpoons were modified to fire from the back of flatbed trucks, he said.”

Not long after the report was published, the Biden regime went into damage control mode, and a statement was added to the top of the Defense One report: Clarification: A Pentagon spokesperson said Bill LaPlante did not mean to say that Ukrainians were trained in the United States.

“We got them off the ship, put them on some flatbed trucks, put the Harpoons, the modules on the flatbed truck, and then a different flatbed truck for the power source, connected a cable between it, figured out was exportable, brought the Ukrainians to train on it over Memorial Day weekend, in our country, over Memorial Day weekend, and the next week two Russian ships were sunk with those Harpoons,” LaPlante told a conference near the Pentagon that was hosted by Defense One.

A “vendor” actually trained the Ukrainians, the report added, using a term for a military contractor. But that’s splitting hairs; the Pentagon paid the vendor.

“There’s incredible innovation going on right now and we just don’t talk about it enough,” LaPlante added during the conference, according to Defense One.

The Biden regime is angling to start World War III because obviously the globalist deep state figures that is the only way to kill off a sizeable portion of the earth’s population and make it far easier to usher in totalitarian regimes in the ashes.

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