"All Ages" Drag Show In Tennessee Canceled After Protesters Arrive

"All Ages" Drag Show In Tennessee Canceled After Protesters Arrive

The sexualization and ideological indoctrination of children has become a major point of political conflict in the US in the past year as progressives ramp up a flurry of "family friendly" and "all ages" drag show performances across the country.  In the majority of documented cases the performances include sexual elements common to most drag shows, but in this case in the presence of young children.  The shows have specifically targeted predominantly conservative states and venues in what appears to be an attempt to incite a reaction from residents.

If that was the goal, then leftists got what they wanted

An all ages drag show scheduled this past week at the Memphis Museum of Science and History was suddenly cancelled as groups of conservative protesters including the Proud Boys arrived to show opposition.  Mainstream media affiliates and progressives were quick to admonish the decision to shut down the event as "censorship,"  and accused protest groups of "intimidation" (Yes, it's rather hypocritical).  Many in the media fail to mention the "all ages" aspect of the shows, which is the main reason why protesters show up in the first place.

It is unclear who actually gave the order to close the event, and the Memphis PD denies any involvement in the decision.

The common argument made by leftists in support of drag shows for children is that they are not at all sexualized.  This is a lie.  As we have witnessed in numerous leaked videos they tend to be highly sexualized and children are even encouraged to give drag queens dollars as they dance or strip on stage.  Only two weeks ago, another family drag show at Tennessee Tech University hosted by the "Backdoor Playhouse" caused a public outcry as video evidence revealed a stripping man in drag and what appears to be a cod piece taking money from small children.  

The question is not IF leftists are grooming children with trans propaganda and sexualized imagery, but WHY are they doing it?  They deny the practice exists, and when they get caught they defend the practice as normal.  An argument could be made that it is the parent's decision what their children should and should not see, but if we reverse the roles and consider parents taking their kids to a straight oriented strip joint, it's obvious that law enforcement would immediately be involved and the parents would be punished.  The very notion that we have to explain why it is wrong to expose children to sex propaganda sets a tone of extreme social instability and moral relativism for 2022.  

While leftists might describe these events as a family friendly exercise in "tolerance," many others would describe the shows as the glorification and normalization of mental illness.  In any case, opposition to the trend is growing now that the American public is being made aware of it.

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