The Most Secret Places On Earth That You Are Forbidden To Visit

The Most Secret Places On Earth That You Are Forbidden To Visit

In our current age, with the advances of science and technology, the world is more accessible than ever. With the right amount of money, you can take a plane and travel to destinations on the other side of the planet in less than a day’s time.

We have created a world where everything is available to us for the right price – or is it? From top-secret military bases to exclusive clubs, there are several locations that have been restricted from the general population.

Royal Air Force Menwith Hill, UK.

Located near Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England Royal Air Force (RAF) Menwith Hill is a vast complex, containing a number interesting and unique structures. This site provides communication and intelligence support to both the United Kingdom and the United States.

Royal Air Force Menwith Hill, UK.

It has been described as the largest electronic monitoring station in the world. Included on the site is an extensive satellite ground station, and it acts as a communications intercept and missile warning site.

The Bohemian Groove

Each summer the Bohemian club invites the most influential people in the world to gather at this location for a two-week camp. It is 2,700-acre rural location located in California, although its exact location is unknown.

The Bohemian Groove

This is a male only location, sorry ladies!

If you were to gain access to the guestbook you would find presidents such as Herbert Hoover and Richard Nixon among their former guests.

Snake Island

Located off the coast of Brazil, Snake Island is a small island that is inhabited by 4,000 of the deadliest snakes on the planet. The risk is so high that the Brazilian Government decided to ban visitors from any access to the island.

Snake Island

Think they are over-reacting? The venom of these snakes is so powerful it has the ability to melt human flesh!

The Svalbard Seed Vault

Located on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen near Longyearbyen, in the remote Arctic Svalbard archipelago. This secure seed bank was designed to preserve a wide variety of plant seeds that are duplicate samples of those held in gene banks worldwide, to be accessed only in the event of a catastrophic environmental disaster.

The Svalbard Seed Vault

The Vatican’s Secret Archive

The Vatican Apostolic Library, formally established in 1475, contains on of the most significant collections of historical texts known to man. This secret library includes everything from ancient Maya codices to books that ‘allegedly’ are proof of alien contact.

The Vatican’s Secret Archive

Only a select few individuals have ever had the right to step foot within its walls, making it one of the largest and most secretive libraries on the planet.

Access to the vault is EXTREMELY restricted, not even open to those countries that have provided the seeds stored within. It is managed as agreed upon in a tripartite agreement between the Norwegian government, the Crop Trust and the Nordic Genetic Resource Center.

Pine Gap Australia

Located in Central Australia, south-west of Alice Springs, this is the only place within the continent that is designated as a strict no-fly zone. This secret site is a key contributor to the global surveillance network ECHELON.

This location is partly run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, U.S. National Security Agency, U.S. National Reconnaissance Office and the Australian Government.

Pine Gap Australia

By the end of the 20th century, the system referred to as “ECHELON” had evolved beyond its military and diplomatic origins into “a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications” (mass surveillance and industrial espionage).

The Mormon Church Secret Vault

Believed to contain over 3 billion pages of information pertaining to genealogy and family history of Americans, the vault is completely off limits save for tours on very rare occasions.

The Mormon Church Secret Vault

This vault was constructed into the side of a mountain with careful consideration going into the preservation of the documents it would contain. For this reason it is very carefully temperature controlled.

Disney Club 33

A series of private clubs located in three of the Disney Parks, the existence of this club was initially kept secret. With the original location in the heart of the New Orleans Square in Disneyland, and similar locations in Tokyo Disneyland and Shanghai Disneyland, access to these clubs are extremely restricted. The original location has a 14-year waiting list!

The required initiation fee is $40,000, followed by an annual fee of $27,000. Among its membership are Presidents of the United States, business leaders and actors.

Area 51

Located in Nevada, approximately 80 miles from downtown Las Vegas, Area 51 is one of the most secretive and heavily protected areas on the planet. The purpose of this base is still publicly unknown; however it is thought to be used for the research and development of experimental aircraft and weaponry.

Area 51
Area 51

Up until 2013 the United States government completely denied its existence, however it has since been officially acknowledged.

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