“Space arks” are hidden under the Earth to evacuate people during the apocalypse

“Space arks” are hidden under the Earth to evacuate people during the apocalypse

The professor, a specialist in exopolitics, tried to reassure humanity by saying that if a global catastrophe occurs, huge ships are ready to deliver people to a safe place in the universe, reports the Daily Star.

Huge ships buried underground are ready to evacuate a large number of people, animals and plants from the planet in the event of a global crisis, the professor said.

Professor Michael Salla is a recognized expert in exopolitics who studies the interplay of human politics and extraterrestrial affairs.

Professor Michael Salla is an expert in exopolitics
Professor Michael Salla is an expert in exopolitics (Image: Shaun Attwood True Crime / YouTube)

Speaking on the Shaun Attwood Unleashed podcast, the scientist suggested that huge spaceships would be ready to take people in if a global catastrophe occurs.

“I probably have about six sources that are telling me about these space arcs that are on the moon, all over the Earth, and that are actually in other parts of our solar system,” he claimed.

“One of my sources is currently in the US Army and has been taken on a few secret missions where he actually boarded these space arks. He was on a space ark in the Atlantic Ocean and also on the moon.”

Michael went on to give a precise definition of what he meant by the space ark, explaining how these megaships were supposed to act if a global crisis occurred that would render the Earth uninhabitable.

“It really looks like an ark, as described in the legend of Noah’s ark. It is very large, like a ship, and is designed to evacuate a large number of people, animals and flora during a disaster,” he continued.

“Apparently these things are buried all over the Earth; they activate when we are at a point in history where we are either going to collapse, in terms of our ecosystem collapsing because of some kind of political or war or geographical catastrophe.

“Or whether we are going to evolve and move to a higher place in terms of our order. So they are there as a safeguard and they were put there by the ancient races that had prepositionings of the end times.”

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