Dutch government conspiring with WEF to usher in “Great Reset”

Dutch government conspiring with WEF to usher in “Great Reset”

A member of the Dutch House of Representatives filed a Freedom of Information (FOI) request for documents that we now know tie the Dutch government to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its infamous “Great Reset” agenda.

The country hosted a Global Co-ordination Secretariat (GCS) event for the worldwide network of “Food Innovation Hubs,” meaning artificial foods like the kind being funded by billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates. One attendee, Foodvalley, published an article about the event, linking it to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other key players in the fake food industry.

“More than 20 organisations are already working together as Food Innovation Hubs in Colombia, India, Europe, South-East Asia and several countries in Africa,” Foodvalley announced.

“The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has provided multi-year support for the development of a Food Innovation Hub in India and several public and private sector partners have committed in-kind resources to support the development of hubs in various regions.”

What Foodvalley failed to mention is that the reason The Netherlands hosted GCS in the first place is because the Dutch government fully intends to fund its agenda, which involves “key enabling technologies” such as “Digitalisation Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, biotechnology and micro and nanotechnology in the Agri-Food sector.”

Will the Dutch successfully save their country from a WEF takeover, or is it already too late?

This is a big reason for the Dutch farmer protests, which involve thousands of tractors driving across the land protesting the Dutch government’s anti-agriculture measures.

It seems The Netherlands is already on track to become a meatless, family farm-less hellscape unless this citizen uprising is effective. In the name of going “green,” The Netherlands faces becoming a lifeless dystopia where only artificial meat and bugs are on people’s dinner plates.

The country has Pepijn van Houwelingen, a member of the Dutch House of Representatives, to thank for uncovering the truth. In addition to obtaining the incriminating documents via FOI, he also submitted 42 written questions to Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte last fall concerning the country’s involvement with the WEF.

One of the questions pertained to the cabinet members at the WEF, and whether or not these members were approached by the WEF or how they became involved with the globalist organization.

Its leader, Klaus Schwab, is the guy who stated that in the future, ordinary people, not including himself, will own nothing and be happy.

What van Houwelingen received in response were various documents containing correspondences between the WEF and many members of the Dutch government, including Rutte.

Prior to the official signing of the letter of intent, the Dutch government wrote a letter to the WEF “on behalf of the Dutch Ministers of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and Agriculture, Nature and Food quality together with the Regional Food Agency Oost NL.” It seems the plan has been in motion for a while now.

“We strongly believe that establishing the GCS in the Netherlands will be mutually beneficial and proof of great benefit to the efficacy and impact of the global network of Food Innovation Hubs,” the letter further stated.

The letter was signed by Eric Wiebes, Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, on Dec. 8, 2020, followed by the WEF on Jan. 5, 2021.

“The Dutch innovation and agricultural policy are very much in line with the topics that are considered crucial by WEF for Food System Transformation … missions have been defined in line with the SDG addressing topics like of sustainability circular agriculture, safe, healthy and affordable food for all climate neutrality as well as consumer behaviour,” the letter continued.

The latest news coverage about the fake food push can be found at Frankenfood.news.

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