Top Ranking Senator Declares Punishing Putin & Assad "Will Never Be Over"

Top Ranking Senator Declares Punishing Putin & Assad "Will Never Be Over"

Occasionally US officials, especially Congressional hawks, speak the quiet part out loud. Last week a Senate Foreign Relations committee hearing considered and advanced a measure that would require formal reports to Congress on Russian atrocities in Ukraine. Idaho Republican Jim Risch was among those attempting to connect the situations of Russia and Syria, arguing that "autocrats are watching our actions."

"Current and future autocrats are watching our actions. We cannot send the message that we will forget these atrocities over time and welcome Assad back to the international community," Risch said. He suggested this would send a message to Putin. That's when he stressed "this will never be over" - referring to US plans to punish and isolate both Assad and Putin.

Risch said, "We can't have this thing end - just as what's happened in Syria... but we can't have this end and say 'OK it's over'."

"No it's not over, this will never be over until people are held to account for what they've done... this is something that's got to go on for a long time" - this as already the US has hit both Russia and Syria (which in Syria's case started years prior) with unprecedented sanctions.

Sen. Risch further lambasted some US allies for recent reported efforts to reestablish positive diplomatic relations and communications with the Assad government in Damascus.

In March for example, President Bashar al-Assad made his first trip to the United Arab Emirates since the Syrian war began in 2011, where he was given red carpet treatment.

Saudi Arabia too is signaling that it's deemed "times have changed" regarding viewing Assad as a pariah. Days ago, Al Jazeera reported that "Saudi Arabia is close to reaching an agreement on diplomatic normalization with President Bashar al-Assad’s government, as Riyadh jockeys to play a lead role in removing the Iranian presence from Syria, Al Jazeera has been told by those with close knowledge of the discussions."

This has infuriated Washington, and is expected to be raised during President Joe Biden's expected visit to meet with Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, which is likely to come as early as next month, according to admin officials.

The kind of 'total economic war' previously unleashed on Syria and its population is now being implemented on Russia in the wake of the Ukraine invasion...


Meanwhile, a recent book entitled Syria Crucified has detailed stories of common Syrian civilians living under economic siege by the West and US-led sanctions. Ironically, after surviving the bullets and bombs of foreign-backed jihadist "rebels" during the prior decade long proxy war - much of the population is now under threat more than ever by starvation, lack of resources like fuel, lack of medicines and hospital equipment, and runaway inflation. The Senate Foreign Relations committee has just agreed, "we can't have this end."

(Article by Tyler Durden republished from

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