Scientist predicts we’re going to be able to learn something new by swallowing pills

Many futurologists predict that in the future the technology will be at a very high level and that times will change beyond recognition.

Everything can change – including the way you absorb knowledge. Nicholas Negroponte of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said that in 30 years, learning a foreign language will be as easy as taking a pill.

This statement was made during the TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) scientific conference by the founder of the Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

In his opinion, in the future, man will be able to absorb knowledge in a literal sense. This knowledge would be in special pills. According to Negropont, “you swallow the pill and you know english. You swallow the pill and you know Shakespeare.”

All the knowledge would be contained in pills and would flow into the bloodstream and then into our brain.

Such a possibility seems almost unbelievable – a man, instead of going to school or the library, could simply buy the right tablets and know everything he would like.

It is not known, however, how long such wisdom pills would last, whether they would be available to all people, at what price they will be available for purchase, and whether they will not be harmful to us and will not cause unwanted side effects.

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