Pennsylvania drag queen, LGBTQ rights “champion” charged with 25 counts of child pornography

Pennsylvania drag queen, LGBTQ rights “champion” charged with 25 counts of child pornography

Brice Patric Ryschon Williams, a Pennsylvania resident, has been charged with multiple counts of felony for possession of child pornographic content and the criminal use of a communications facility. He is being held on a $100,000 bail at Franklin County Corrections following the two-year investigation from the Attorney-General’s (AG) office.

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children submitted a tip to the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General’s Child Predator Section after finding child pornography on a Dropbox, where authorities found 49 files of children under the age of 18 performing sexual acts.

A subpoena was issued to confiscate the Comcast ISP address associated with the Dropbox, which was listed as belonging to an Anastasia Diamond or “Ana D.” In July 2020, the Center submitted another ten files of child pornography uploaded by the same user to the AG’s office, and the investigation revealed that nine out of the ten files submitted included child pornography.

On September 17, 2020, authorities seized the Dropbox through a search warrant, and shortly after, another file was uploaded to the service. Following the grant of a warrant, authorities uncovered 135 files of child pornography on the Dropbox registered to Ana D, including the files that were previously tipped to the AG’s office. In December, another file of children engaging in sexual acts was uploaded.

An FBI special agent discovered that the name “Ana D” was a nickname for Anastasia Diamond, the drag queen stage name of the Pennsylvania resident Brice Williams. He was arrested on June 22.

The sexually explicit content in Williams’ Dropbox showed genitalia and young boys performing sexual acts on one another, sometimes with an adult man. Authorities said the boys were under 18 years, but did not specify their ages.

The affidavit also said the photo and video downloads were linked to Williams’ email and home addresses.

Following his arrest, authorities found 25 videos of child pornography on Williams’ phone, but the agent said that this was a small sample of the sexually explicit files they found on his devices.

Who is Brice Williams, aka Anastasia Diamond?

Williams, an HIV case manager, is a prominent activist in the LGBTQ community and has worked with LGBTQ youth. Last year, he was also featured as a speaker at GLO Harrisburg, which is a center that offers a “safe space” for LGBTQ+ youth of color. The LGBT Center of Central PA gave Williams the 2020 Rising Star Award for his work.

Last year, Williams shared that he felt as though his work was “so important because I know there are little kids like me who are queer, who are Black, who are still not able to look up to anyone,” he said.

“So that’s the reason why I got into this line of work. I wanted to make a big impact for folks in my community.”

When investigators arrived at Williams’s Chambersburg home on June 23, he said the two email addresses linked to the pornographic files were his. He also confirmed the phone number listed as the recovery number for one of the addresses to be his.

The pornographic content in Williams’ device was also connected to a Comcast subscription that was registered under his home address. He initially denied downloading child pornography, but later admitted to searching, possessing and sharing child pornographic materials since 2014, before moving to cloud-based storage apps such as Dropbox.

Williams was charged with one count of criminal use of a communication facility in addition to the 25 child pornography charges.

Online court records show that Williams was arraigned on the afternoon of June 23 and taken to the Franklin County Prison. His preliminary hearing is scheduled for July 5 in front of Magisterial District Judge Kristin Nicklas.

On his now deactivated Instagram account, Williams listed himself as an “HIV Community Educator” and a “Licensed Masters Level Social Worker.” It also indicated that he uses both he/him and she/her pronouns.

A Facebook post also revealed that he took a strong liking to transgender youth as he shared a story about a child transitioning.

Williams was set to perform in a Drag Show at the Harrisburg Comedy Zone on July 4, alongside other Drag Queens like Poison, Trixy Valentine and Jade Devere.

Watch the video below to see Williams in his drag queen persona.

This video is from the SecureLife channel on

(Article by Mary Villareal republished from

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