Does it happen to you that you “accidentally” start breaking objects, hitting corners, get hurt in a rush? Or are you in a bad mood for no reason at all?
There is an assumption that this is caused by the actions of parasites of consciousness. Of course, “parasites” is only the word that best describes the situation. You can call it whatever you like.
Parasites feed on negative emotions
To do this, they find some traumatic moment in a person’s memory. Then they cause the victim to feel helpless, desperate and worthless. A person begins to look for excuses for them and finds “evidence” in memory. It turns out a vicious circle. Emotions were launched “from the outside”, and then the person winds himself up.
Parasites can take control of the body for a fraction of a second and injure it (causing appropriate emotions). Or lead to suicide. Thoughts of suicide are a sure sign of their attack.
Parasites of consciousness have been discovered by many researchers. Books have been written on the subject, and one of them is Psychic Self-Defense by Robert the Bruce. Bruce reports that our minds are subject to influences from many unseen spiritual sources:
“It is clear that the recognition of the existence of dark spiritual entities is a significant difficulty for many. There are two ways here.
“One is to consider them as some kind of dense clots of negative energy. The second – as visible manifestations of one’s own subconscious or the subconscious of other people; or else as independently existing sensible thought-forms.
“They can make us unhappy, irritable, confused, sick, unstable, even crazy.
“Your understanding of spirits depends solely on your life experience, your beliefs, and your willingness to acknowledge their existence. ”
However, no matter who or what they are, if they exist at all, they must be taken into account.”
Colin Wilson writes the following in his book Parasites of the Mind:
“The uninitiated ask me from time to time if I really ‘see’ parasites and believe that they have any particular form. To this I answer no. To understand the sensations I’m talking about, imagine this picture.
“You are hot, you are tired, everything in the world is somehow going wrong. As soon as you start to cross the street, a bus rushes past you, almost crushing your leg; the whole world seems hostile to you.
“The usual sense of security has disappeared, everything seems frighteningly fragile and unreliable. This is how a person who has been attacked by parasites feels.
“I used to take all this for an ordinary bout of pessimism and bad mood and immediately found some reason for concern to justify them.”
We live in a world where many of our experiences cannot be seen with the physical eyes. Most of the time the veil of the third dimension shrouds us from an awareness of “seeing” and “sensing” other aspects of our lives.
So, the next time you notice that negative thoughts appear in your head, according to these researchers, these thoughts are not yours at all. In the following articles, we will teach you how to deal with these parasites.