FBI executed an alleged “domestic terrorist” in Michigan days before fake plot to “kidnap” Dem governor was rolled out

FBI executed an alleged “domestic terrorist” in Michigan days before fake plot to “kidnap” Dem governor was rolled out

A news report published earlier this week has provided further proof that the FBI is no longer a federal ‘law enforcement’ agency but rather a Gestapo or Stasi-like organization whose mission is to protect the left-wing deep state regime.

According to an autopsy report revealed by the Detroit News, it appears as though the FBI actually executed a supposed “domestic terrorist” suspect in Michigan just a few days before the bureau launched its fake ‘plot’ involving the alleged kidnapping of unpopular Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

Mark-Matthew Allport, 43, was shot three times in the head and once in the back (for good measure?) as agents confronted him in the parking lot of a Texas Roadhouse restaurant in Madison Heights, Mich. According to the report, one agent was wounded during their ambush.

The bureau as well as the Oakland County Medical Examiner’s office tried to keep details about the case out of the public’s view, but the Detroit News managed to obtain a copy of the autopsy report following an appeal on a Freedom of Information Act request denial.

Big League Politics reports:

This all occurred on Oct. 2, 2020 — just days before the fake Whitmer kidnapping was rolled out in an October surprise meant to influence the presidential election. Allport was riddled with bullet holes by the FBI as they supposedly attempted to apprehend him on illegal gun charges.

“It almost mirrors Ruby Ridge, what they did to Eric,” Allport’s mother, Judy Grider, said to the Detroit News.

When their son was still a child, the family was neighbors with Randy Weaver, a patriot martyr whose family was murdered by federal agents after they — see if this sounds familiar — entrapped him in a weapons plot and then surrounded his rural home in Idaho during Bill Clinton’s shameful presidency.

American Greatness senior writer Julie Kelly pointed out the troubling undercurrent beneath this deep state atrocity.

“Well this is insane. FBI agents shot and killed an alleged ‘domestic terrorist’ in Michigan five days before the alleged Whitmer ‘kidnappers’ were arrested in 2020,” she wrote on Twitter, linking the story.

“FBI refuses to release its investigation into the shooting but Detroit News finally got autopsy report on appeal. The victim was childhood friend of Sammy Weaver,” she added.

“My sources close to Whitmer case say Allport was not part of the group set up by FBI to pretend to kidnap governor. But this timeline coincides with what FBI described as a ‘terror enterprise investigation’ related to Whitmer hoax. This FBI is deeply corrupt,” she added in a third tweet.

But it gets worse.

“The head of the Detroit FBI field office at the time was Steven D’Antuono. He was moved to DC FBI field office 2 weeks after his agents shot and killed Allport. His office is the lead agency on January 6 prosecution—D’Antuono’s agents arrested Peter Navarro at Reagan last week,” Kelly continued. “So the October 7, 2020 arrests of the Whitmer ‘kidnappers’ served 2 goals: wipe the FBI shooting of Allport from the headlines and produce damaging headlines for Trump as Americans were voting for president.”

Biden’s regime has lost all legitimacy as have the federal agencies under him. It’s time for governors to make a choice: Continue supporting this blatant corruption and give it legitimacy, or not.

(Article by JD Heyes republished from Citizens.news)

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