BEGGING FOR THE APOCALYPSE: Biden provokes Putin to strike USA and NATO cities with new long-range weapons that might include nukes or EMP weapons

Biden provokes Putin to strike USA and NATO cities with new long-range weapons that might include nukes or EMP weapons

Fake president Joe Biden — who was never legitimately elected to the Office of the President — is now accelerating his planned destruction of America by provoking Putin into a retaliatory strike against US and NATO targets. This was all confirmed over the last three days as cited in numerous sources below.

BACKGROUND: The illegitimate Biden regime has promised to send HIMARS weapon systems to Ukraine, claiming that Ukraine has “given assurances” to Washington D.C. and promised the weapons won’t be used to wage attacks against Russian territory. This has been widely reported across the corporate media.

Despite those assurances, a high-level Ukraine spokesperson (see below) said they would break that promise and use the HIMARS weapons to attack Crimea, a region that has long self-recognized as territory of Russia (although Ukraine disputes this and claims Crimea belongs to Ukraine). “Ukraine Says It Might Use U.S. Weapons to Invade Russia,” reports, writing:

On June 1st, when the White House announced that it would be sending to Ukraine weapons that might be used for invading Russia, Jonathan Finer, deputy White House national security adviser, said Washington had asked Ukraine for assurances the missiles would not strike inside Russia. On June 3rd, Ukraine’s Government rejected that request.

At the time when Biden made that announcement on June 1st, Reuters noted that, “Biden announced the plan to give Ukraine precision HIMARS rocket systems after receiving assurances from Kyiv that it would not use them to hit targets inside Russian territory.”

Then, as reported by RT, Ukrainian official Alexey Arestovich broke that promise:

Kiev may strike Crimea, a Ukrainian presidential aide says, despite assurances US weapons won’t be used to hit Russian territory.

Ukraine will use US-supplied rocket systems to strike into Russian territory should it deem such attacks necessary, Ukrainian Presidential Adviser Alexey Arestovich said on Thursday.

Both Russia and Ukraine consider Crimea to be their own territory.

Putin promises to retaliate against US / NATO cities

If Ukraine uses the US-provided HIMARS weapons to strike Russian territory, then Russia will respond by deploying new long-range weapons against new targets which may include US or NATO cities or military bases. This was reported by The Epoch Times over the weekend in a story entitled, “Putin Warns Russia Will Strike New Targets If US Gives New Missiles to Ukraine.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin on June 5 warned that Russia would strike new targets if the United States were to supply longer-range missiles to Ukraine.

“If they are supplied, we will draw appropriate conclusions from this and use our own weapons, of which we have enough, in order to strike at those facilities we are not targeting yet,” says one translation of Putin’s remarks. That translation, however, is at odds with another translation that clarifies Putin means “new weaponry” will be used to strike targets “that have not yet been struck,” which seems to mean beyond Ukraine.

Putin is potentially leaving his comments somewhat vague, and translations may vary. You can see the Fox News pro-war interpretation of Putin’s warning here:

Keep in mind that with a few exceptions, Fox News is just a mouthpiece of the military industrial complex, just like CNN.

Putin is likely not bluffing

Joe Biden is a cognitively retarded puppet. Putin is a high-IQ strategic genius. It’s not difficult to see where this goes if Biden keeps poking the bear. First, Putin isn’t bluffing. Furthermore, Putin can strike targets across Western Europe at will, as all of NATO has zero effectiveness at defending against Putin’s hypersonic missiles, hyperglide reentry vehicles and Sarmat II ICBM missiles.

To anyone who thinks NATO can stop Russia’s missiles, they must be asked: Why hasn’t NATO stopped Russia’s missiles in Ukraine, then?

Using these platforms, Putin can potentially unleash fuel-air explosives (sometimes called thermobaric bombs), EMP weapons or even tactical nuclear weapons against targets in Poland, Germany, France, the UK or even the United States.

By delivering HIMARS weapons to Ukraine and watching Ukraine use them to attack Russia, Biden is handing Putin the military justification he needs to escalate his retaliatory attacks against NATO targets, since NATO would be directly involved in the war against Russia if Ukraine uses NATO weapons to attack Russian territory.

Remember, too, this is on top of America’s military leaders openly bragging about providing the satellite imagery and targeting solutions that allowed Ukraine to sink a Russian flagship in the Black Sea.

Is achieving World War III Biden’s real goal? Is he deliberately attempting to provoke Putin into a retaliatory escalation in order to unleash a true world war before the midterm elections in the USA where democrats are widely expected to be politically clobbered? We think so, but that’s just the current assessment, and it’s subject to change as circumstances warrant.

In today’s Situation Update, I bring you more details on this and other important news:

(Article by Mike Adams republished from )

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