AI Expert Says Parents Will Choose "Digital Babies" In The Metaverse Over Real Ones Within 50 Years

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

An expert on artificial intelligence says that within 50 years, parents will opt to have “digital offspring” that only exist in the metaverse due to concerns over the environment and overpopulation.

AI Expert Says Parents Will Choose "Digital Babies" In The Metaverse Over Real Ones Within 50 Years

The prediction was made by Catriona Campbell, who is described as “one of the UK’s leading authorities on artificial intelligence.”

According to Campbell, parents will decide to have digital babies, an updated version of Japanese Tamagotchi digital pet toys, for the same reasons they are already choosing not to have real babies, namely, “concerns about the environment, overpopulation, the rising cost of bringing up a child.”

“Campbell predicts they will be commonplace and embraced by society within half a century,” reports left-wing newspaper the Guardian.

The AI expert says the cyberspace babies will eventually be indistinguishable from the real thing and that if parents get bored of them, they can just cancel them like they would a monthly Netflix subscription.

“Campbell says virtual children will look like you, and you will be able to play with and cuddle them. They will be capable of simulated emotional responses as well as speech, which will range from “googoo gaga” to backchat, as they grow older,” reports the newspaper.

The article also says concerns that the digital babies would just be ‘creepy dystopian dolls’ that can be turned on and off are “old fashioned.”

“Think of the advantages: minimal cost and environmental impact. And less worry,” it adds.

As ever, this is just more anti-natal propaganda, predominantly targeting white western countries, which are already seeing birth rates rapidly decline.

There is an entire cottage industry of social engineering based on convincing westerners not to have children.

As we previously highlighted, in 2020, CNN marked Valentines Day weekend by promoting “the benefits of being single,” even as birth rates across America and Europe continue to plunge.

America’s fertility rate currently stands at 1.8 births per woman.

From 2007 to 2011 the fertility rate in the U.S. declined 9% in the space of just 4 years.

In 2016, the U.S. fertility rate fell to 59.8 births per 1,000 women, the lowest since records began.

Fears about “overpopulation” are also a contrived myth given that plummeting population levels are far more likely to be a bigger problem in 50 years time.

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