Information On The NHS Monkeypox Page Edited To Make It Sound More Worrying

Information On The NHS Monkeypox Page Edited To Make It Sound More Worrying

The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) recently edited their Monkeypox page…to make it sound more frightening.

Just a few days ago the NHS’s Monkeypox page was altered to change the narrative in a few key ways.

Prior to the edit, monkeypox “did not spread easily between people”….now it does.

Also in the earlier version monkeypox would “get better on its own without treatment”…but now it won’t.

Off Guardian reports: Firstly, they removed a paragraph from the “How do you get Monkeypox?” section.

Up until a few days ago, according to archived links, the Monkeypox page said this, regarding person-to-person tranmission [emphasis added]:

It’s very uncommon to get monkeypox from a person with the infection because it does not spread easily between people.

…this has now been totally removed.

Secondly, they’ve removed this paragraph, which was present up until at least November of 2021 (and maybe much more recently, there are no archives between November and May) [emphasis added]:

[Monkeypox] is usually a mild illness that will get better on its own without treatment. Some people can develop more serious symptoms, so patients with monkeypox in the UK are cared for in specialist hospitals.

The new “treatment” paragraph reads [again, emphasis added]…

Treatment for monkeypox aims to relieve symptoms. The illness is usually mild and most people recover in 2 to 4 weeks […] You may need to stay in a specialist hospital, so your symptoms can be treated and to prevent the infection spreading to other people.

So, they remove that it will “get better on its own”, and again reinforce the idea of spreading the disease despite this being described as “very uncommon” as recently as last week.

They even add a line about self-isolating, which was never mentioned before:

as monkeypox can spread if there is close contact, you will need to be isolated if you’re diagnosed with it.

Finally, they now include a warning you can get Monkeypox by eating undercooked meat, which will doubtless feed into the anti-meat narrative too (oh, wait, it already is).

To sum up, history is being re-written a little here.

Meanwhile, as further cases are reported there are calls for peope to come forward for testing.

The Hampshire chronicle reports: Dr Susan Hopkins, chief medical adviser at the UKHSA, said: “Alongside reports of further cases being identified in other countries globally, we continue to identify additional cases in the UK.

“Thank you to everyone who has come forward for testing already and supported our contact tracing efforts – you are helping us limit the spread of this infection in the UK.

“Because the virus spreads through close contact, we are urging everyone to be aware of any unusual rashes or lesions, and to contact a sexual health service if they have any symptoms.

Information On The NHS Monkeypox Page Edited To Make It Sound More Worrying

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