Government data proves that people “fully vaccinated” for covid are developing AIDS, which is part of why you’re being distracted with Russia-Ukraine propaganda

Government data proves that people “fully vaccinated” for covid are developing AIDS, which is part of why you’re being distracted with Russia-Ukraine propaganda

Do Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” cause AIDS? A growing body of government data from all around the world suggests so, and that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is largely a distraction from it.

Public Health Scotland (PHS), the New Zealand Ministry of Health, the Canadian government, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and many other government agencies are quietly publishing data that reveals the truth, but the media is ignoring it.

Vaccine-induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS) is arguably a best-case scenario for those who took the jabs. Exposé News says that “something much worse” could be happening that will soon manifest as the worst public health crisis the world has ever seen.

We already know that the “fully vaccinated” are more likely than the unvaccinated to test “positive” for the Fauci Flu. The fully jabbed are also more likely to get sick or die compared to the unvaccinated. How can this be if the injections supposedly “save lives?”

In 2021, rates of AIDS-related diseases, cancers and infections reported to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) increased by anywhere from 1,145 percent to 33,715 percent. This occurred right after Chinese Virus injections were hastily introduced under Operation Warp Speed.

Covid “vaccines” make a person more prone to catching covid and possibly dying

Each country seems to be reporting the data differently, the one common denominator being that they all appear to be intentionally shrouding the truth. PHS, for instance, announced back in January that starting on February 6, it will no longer report “cases,” hospitalizations and deaths on a weekly basis.

The reason for this is that data clearly shows a link between the injections and all sorts of health problems. In nearly every category measured, the fully jabbed are sicker and more likely to die, it turns out, which is not exactly a good marketing point for the jabs.

“The charts above have been created using the figures published by Public Health Scotland in their ‘COVID-19 & Winter Statistical Report’ published 16th Feb 22, and they show that Covid-19 infection, hospitalisation and death rates per 100,000 individuals were consistently higher among the fully vaccinated population,” reports the Exposé. “This is what Covid-19 vaccination has done to the people of Scotland.”

In New Zealand, the figures are even more striking. Between February 12-24, the number of covid cases recorded among the fully jabbed was 22,699. By comparison, only 1,291 unvaccinated people tested positive during that same time period.

“These case rates, just like the Public Health Scotland case rates, certainly pour water on the bonfire of anyone who says ‘vaccination reduces the chances of being infected with Covid-19,’ don’t they?” the Exposé adds.

“This means the Covid-19 injections have a real-world negative effectiveness, and we’re able to use Pfizer’s vaccine effectiveness formula to calculate it.”

That formula, by the way, looks like this:

Unvaccinated case rate per 100,000 – Vaccinated case rate per 100,000 / Unvaccinated case rate per 100,000 x 100 = Vaccine Effectiveness

Using this formula for the New Zealand data, covid jab effectiveness is shown to be minus-94.4 percent between January 6 through February 11. By February 24, it drops to minus-281.35 percent, meaning the fully jabbed are 3.8 times more likely to become infected with covid compared to the unvaccinated.

When the fully jabbed develop full-blown VAIDS, then what?

In Canada, which saw some of the world’s most draconian restrictions and jab mandates, new covid cases have been skyrocketing as of late. And four out of every five new cases, or 80 percent, are occurring in the fully jabbed.

Canadians who took the injections are, on average, four times more likely to become infected with covid compared to their unvaccinated counterparts; two times more likely to be hospitalized; and three times more likely to die.

In England, the figures are similar to those published by PHS. The case rate there is largely comprised of partially or fully vaccinated people with very few unvaccinated people experiencing any covid-related health problems.

Vaccine effectiveness there was found to be as low as minus-391.43 percent among the 60-69-year-old demographic by week 13. This is nowhere near the 95 percent effective rate claimed by Pfizer.
Keep in mind that the rate of disease and death among the fully jabbed in almost every country where data is available is increasing precipitously over time. This supports the notion that VAIDS is what these people are now suffering from, and that it will only get worse over time.

“Once a person progresses to AIDS, they have a high viral load and can transmit HIV to others very easily,” wrote an Exposé commenter about where this could all be headed. “In the absence of treatment, people with AIDS typically survive for about three years.”

The latest news about the health carnage caused by Fauci Flu shots can be found at

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

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