CNN Tells Low-Income Viewers to Abort Their Babies: “Only the Wealthy Should Reproduce”

CNN Tells Low-Income Viewers to Abort Their Babies: “Only the Wealthy Should Reproduce”

CNN has begun instructing low-income viewers to abort their children rather than raise them in a working class lifestyle.

During an interview with Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) on “State of the Union” Sunday, anchor Dana Bash attacked the governor’s decision to sign an abortion ban into law.

“[Y]our law only has exceptions for the life of the mother. So, just want to be clear. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, no woman, unless her life is at risk, will be able to get an abortion in Arkansas?” Bash asked. reports: She went on to bring up the extremely rare scenarios of rape and incest, that account for about 0.5% of abortions in the state.

“Why should an 11 or 12-year-old girl who’s impregnated by her father or her uncle or another family member be forced to carry that child to term?” Bash asked.

Hutchinson replied that though he did sign the abortion ban into law, he supports rare exceptions to abortion for “life of the mother and rape and incest,” and said that if the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, those exceptions would be considered.

Bash then shifted to a dark line of questioning, suggesting that children born to poor households should instead be aborted.

“Arkansas already struggles to support vulnerable children. Nearly one in four children in Arkansas lives in poverty,” Bash claimed. “More than 4,600 kids are already in your state’s overloaded foster care system. Do you really think that your state is prepared to protect and care for even more children if abortion does become illegal there?”


Bash’s remarks suggesting poor children are better off dead underscores the left’s thinking that pregnancy and child-rearing is a burden rather than a blessing.

(Article by Sean Adl-Tabatabai republished from

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