It’s about time: UK’s Dr. Sam White urges fellow doctors to stop vaccinating people and speak out

It’s about time: UK’s Dr. Sam White urges fellow doctors to stop vaccinating people and speak out

Dr. Sam White has called on other doctors to stop vaccinating people with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) experimental injections and speak out.

“I maintain that when governments act unlawfully, doctors are duty-bound to do something about it – not to be the pawns in their game to subvert the rights and liberties of every man, woman and child in this country. Now, come forward. Stop what you’re doing and speak out. You’ll more than amply be supported,” White said.

The United Kingdom-based general practitioner mentioned the numerous aspects of what he believes are COVID crimes and talked about his legal action against the British government.

According to White, he had been hunted by medicine regulators since speaking out about the perils of the COVID injections and was tagged by colleagues as being mentally ill.

But White’s claims are backed by numbers. In the U.K. alone, more than 2,000 COVID injection-associated deaths have been listed in the government’s own Yellow Card reporting scheme – with the real figure likely to be more than 20,000 owing to the scheme’s widely known underreporting factor.

Interestingly, the Office of National Statistics stopped reporting on stillbirths in early 2021 despite known fears for pregnant women in relation to the injections.

The National Health Service (NHS) still has no official treatment for COVID and doctors are barred from recommending or prescribing Vitamin D as a preventive nutrient that could massively reduce COVID mortality rates. Treatments like ivermectin, which White said would have saved tens of thousands of lives in the U.K. alone, were blocked to ensure that the emergency authorization of the COVID vaccines would be accepted.

Meanwhile, a research into the contents of the vaccines revealed the presence of highly toxic substances, including graphene oxide. Spike proteins produced by the vaccines, meanwhile, are leading to destructive neurological illnesses and heart disease for young men and women along with sudden death from strokes and heart attacks.

The COVID vaccines have “negative efficacy,” meaning those getting the treatment were more likely to become sick with the disease.

Tribunal tried – and failed – to silence White

Last December, the High Court ruled that a tribunal made an “error of law” when it ordered White, who was accused of spreading misinformation, to stop talking about COVID on social media.

The tribunal concluded in August last year that White’s way of sharing his opinions “may have a real impact on patient safety.” It found that White supposedly shared information to a “wide and possibly uninformed audience” and did not give an opportunity for “a holistic consideration of COVID-19, its implications and possible treatments.”

The High Court said this decision was “wrong” under human rights law. The court had earlier been told that White, in the videos posted to Instagram and Twitter, mentioned why he could not work in his former role at the Denmead Health Center in Waterlooville.

In his ruling, Justice Ian Dove stated that under provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998, the tribunal was compelled to ask itself whether the General Medical Council “would probably succeed at any subsequent tribunal hearing in imposing the restrictions which were now sought.”

The judge added that it was “clear” that the tribunal had not conducted itself to the tests required under the act.

In his controversial video post, White said the “lies” surrounding the NHS and government approach to the COVID pandemic were “so vast” that he could no longer “stomach or tolerate” them.

He claimed doctors and nurses had “their hands tied behind their backs,” prohibiting them from using “safe and proven treatments” such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, which he said were a form of “early intervention” in the disease.

White challenged the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines, saying 99 percent of people who got infected with the virus have survived. He also raised concerns about the mask mandates. “Masks do nothing, by the way, they do absolutely nothing. They don’t help you, they don’t help anyone else. Take off the mask,” White said in the video.

Follow to know more about the injuries caused by the COVID vaccines.

Watch the video below to know why Dr. Sam White said that real heroes tell the vaxx truth.

This video is from the Excellent PODCASTS & Real NEWS channel on

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