How Elon Musk can Make Twitter GREAT Again (plus other news, war is a racket, China’s supply chain collapse is engineered)

How Elon Musk can Make Twitter GREAT Again (plus other news, war is a racket, China’s supply chain collapse is engineered)

As the world knows by now, Elon Musk is purchasing Twitter for roughly $43 billion, taking the company private. Importantly, he will also be taking control away from the woketard lunatic tyrants who have been running Twitter for the last decade, banning all conservative or Christian speech while pretending to be “inclusive” and “tolerant.”

It’s time to show the woketards the door. It’s time to restore free speech to Twitter. In today’s Situation Update podcast, I offer ten amazing ideas for “Making Twitter GREAT Again.” Those ideas are:

  1. Gather up all the internal twitter emails and memos from the last five years and dump them on the internet – a TwitterLeaks project
  2. Offer knowledge badges for people who pass online knowledge tests of basic things such as government, geopolitics, finance, math, etc., so that people can easily demonstrate they have fundamental knowledge in different areas
  3. Fire the current moderators and let pro-freedom volunteers protect free speech from the radical Left
  4. Bring back Alex Jones, James O’Keefe, the Health Ranger and anyone else who wants back, and restore all their followers
  5. Restore link capabilities to BANNED sites like, or
  6. “Authenticate all humans” (Elon’s idea) so people know they are hearing from other REAL people and not just AI bots
  7. Add trust warnings to all tweets from corporate media who were complicit in lying about RussiaGate, covering up Hunter Biden’s laptop or pushing covid vaccine lies about “safe and effective”
  8. Stop all shadowbanning (and open source the algorithms, as Elon has suggested)
  9. Allow de-platformed conservative or Christian businesses to advertise on twitter, then use the profits to buy another platform. Rinse, repeat.
  10. Enable a crypto wallet for ever Twitter user, and allow users to tip, donate or gift crypto to each other. (Make Twitter a crypto exchange)

These ten ideas would revolutionize Twitter and make it almost instantly profitable. Elon’s investment in Twitter could pay off many times over in just a few years.

Has it also occurred to anyone that Elon’s purchase of Twitter also gives Elon total ownership over all of Twitter’s internal emails, videos and memos, all of which could be turned over to a Republican-controlled House for criminal investigations into election meddling and civil rights violations committed by Twitter’s current board members? They have all carried out criminal acts, in my view, and they should be investigated and prosecuted.

Can we trust Elon to do the right thing?

If Elon Musk restores free speech to Twitter, he will become a hero of humanity. If he deceives us and backs away from that promise, he will become the world’s largest human turd.

Is Elon acting in good faith on his promise to restore free speech? We sure hope so, but it is interesting that Elon’s purchase of Twitter is having the effect of dimming the prospects for Trump’s Truth Social, which has struggled from a technical point of view and seems to be running way behind schedule.

Trump’s team should have come to us. We already customized Mastodon and built Brighteon.Social a couple of years ago, then published the open source code on Github. Truth Social could have used our code and just customized the look and feel. It is beyond bizarre that Truth Social has billions of dollars in valuation but still doesn’t have a platform that can work on Android devices or desktop browsers. (You would almost have to try hard to turn off those features or something.)

It just goes to show you that money alone doesn’t equal solid progress on software development projects. Sometimes too much money gets in the way. Truth Social should have been live and fully functional long ago. The delays are inexplicable, given the immense funding they have…

War is a racket

With credit to Ron Paul for resurrecting this quote, we also cover the fact that the war on Ukraine is a money-making racket for weapons manufacturers in the USA. They are more than happy to keep allowing Ukrainian soldiers to die on the battlefield as long as more weapons contracts are funded by the governments of the world.

Raytheon and Lockheed Martin seem to be more than willing to keep pocketing profits, down to the last remaining Ukrainian soldier, even if the weapons being shipped to Ukraine and largely destroyed by Russia’s interdiction efforts.

Russia is currently focusing its missile strikes on Ukraine’s railroad infrastructure in order to interdict shipments of weapons from western nations. Interestingly, Ukraine’s railroads use a “wide gauge” rail width which is incompatible with most other European nations (Ukraine’s rail system was built by the former Soviet Union and uses the 5 ft width, which is common across the former Soviet republics). Importantly, this means that NATO cannot replace Ukraine’s locomotives since the wheel widths are incompatible.

This is why even Politico is reporting that Ukraine troops are running out of ammo and other supplies, desperate for air cover (which isn’t coming). Russia’s decisive victory in Ukraine is all but assured at this point, and shipments of more artillery, tanks and drones from western nations won’t make a dent in the real situation on the ground. Besides, Ukraine is running out of soldiers, too. No doubt Zelensky is close to surrendering, but the Biden regime is trying to prevent that from happening in order to try to make sure Ukraine’s bioweapons laboratories (and all their records) don’t fall into the hands of Putin.

Of course, the delusional woketards in the USA still think Russia is losing or even retreating. Imagine their surprise when the entire map of Ukraine gets redrawn soon, lacking most of Ukraine’s existing Southern coastline to the Black Sea. That’s going to be a wake-up call.

Get all this coverage and more in today’s Situation Update podcast, which also features a big hairy man pretending to be a gender-queer “two-spirit” woman in order to obtain a SCIENCE job at a Canadian university, where the science positions are now limited solely to those people who are delusional. (Kinda makes sense, when you consider how pathetic the institution of “science” has now become…)

(Article by Mike Adams republished from

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