VIDEO: Elon Musk completely DESTROYS the Democrats’ Irresponsible Infrastructure Bill in One Short Interview

VIDEO: Elon Musk completely DESTROYS the Democrats’ Irresponsible Infrastructure Bill in One Short Interview

As reported earlier — Entrepreneur and business magnate Elon Musk urged the US Congress should throw out Biden’s ‘Build Back Better Bill’ in a recent interview.

This was an incredible interview.

Elon Musk: Honestly, It might be better if the bill doesn’t pass. Honestly, I would just can this whole bill. Don’t pass it. That’s my recommendation.

Reporter: What about the support for the charging network? There are parts of the bill…

Elon Musk: Unnecessary. No. Do we need support for gas stations? No. No we don’t. So there’s no need for support for a charging network. I’d just delete it. Delete. I’m literally saying get rid of all subsidies. If we don’t cut government spending something really bad is going to happen.

Elon is right.
The left doesn’t care.

They will pass their Marxist package anyway and Americans will suffer.
They just don’t care.

Hat Tip David

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