SHOCKER: COVID-19 vaccines have killed nearly twice as many children as the virus itself

SHOCKER: COVID-19 vaccines have killed nearly twice as many children as the virus itself

(Planet Today) For parents who are debating whether or not to get their kids vaccinated against COVID-19, one analysis of publicly available data reached a disturbing conclusion: The jabs may be killing twice as many children as the virus itself.

(Article by Cassie B. republished from

This is according to Steve Kirsch, who made some calculations using data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database. He began with the overall death toll from the virus in those aged 18 and younger. The reported figure from January 4, 2020, to December 4, 2021 was 757 deaths. Of course, Kirsch points out, many of these could be children who died with COVID-19 rather than from it, as we’re seeing many adult deaths being attributed to the virus in this way these days. Therefore, it is likely that fewer than 757 kids actually died directly due to the virus. Nevertheless, he decided to go with the figure of 757 just to avoid accusations of playing with the numbers.

Then, he performed a VAERS search limited to the U.S. for the age range from 5 to 18. The total number of reports in which the patient who got the vaccine died was 35. We are all well aware that not all of the deaths reported to VAERS are necessarily caused by the vaccine; some may have merely been coincidental. To account for this, Kirsch subtracted the number of deaths reported in the previous year to determine excess deaths, even though that year’s figure would have also included coincidental deaths as well as actual vaccine deaths. Once again, he chose to err on the side favoring the vaccines, just to keep detractors at bay.

The total number of deaths for 2019 was 3. When subtracted from 35, that means there were 32 “excess” deaths reported in VAERS since we’ve had COVID-19 vaccines. However, VAERS is believed to be 41 times underreported, according to a computation made using the CDC’s own methodology. So, when you multiply those 32 reported excess deaths by 41 to account for the underreported, you get 1,312 deaths.

That’s nearly double the 757 deaths from (or even just with) COVID-19. In other words, it is possible that nearly twice as many kids have been killed by the vaccine as by the virus itself. This is an absolutely unacceptable situation, and it is particularly scary when you consider the fact that not all kids under the age of 18 have gotten the jab yet – not even close. This means the numbers could well climb in the months to come, especially as many areas are pulling out all the stops in their campaigns to vaccinate kids in the 5 to 11 age range.

Recent VAERS reports paint a grim picture

LifeSiteNews recently published a rundown of some of the reports in VAERS involving children, and it paints a grim picture of what is happening to young people around the country. For example, an 11-year-old girl in Georgia died the same day she was given the Pfizer vaccine intended for people aged 12 and above. Fifteen days after getting the Pfizer jab, a 13-year-old from Maryland had a fatal heart attack.

In another report, a healthy and active 8-year-old Wyoming boy was hospitalized in intensive care with myocarditis just two days after getting his first dose of the Pfizer jab. A 14-year-old North Carolina boy had to be taken from his school by ambulance the day after his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine due to being in an “altered state”; he was diagnosed with a stroke and underwent surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain.

How many more children will have to suffer before authorities admit there is a problem with these vaccines?

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