Mysterious Cube Has Appeared In Front Of The Rover On The Moon

Mysterious Cube Has Appeared In Front Of The Rover On The Moon

Loader Chang’e-4 and the Yutu-2 rover began studying the Silver Globe surface in early 2019. The robot has already covered hundreds of meters of barren lunar regions.

Some time ago he came across a strange substance that turned out to be a glassy stone, and now another mysterious object, reports

It is not yet known what we are dealing with here. The facility is located approx. 80 meters in front of the rover. Enthusiasts of the existence of extraterrestrials immediately suggested that it might be some monolith stuck to the surface of the moon.

According to them, it was left there by an alien civilization. However, experts from the Chinese Space Agency cool down emotions. They believe that we may be dealing with an unusual rock.

Of course, we keep our fingers crossed for this facility to be something special.

The rover is due to travel to the facility in the coming days.

It is not yet known when the CNSA will publish close-up photos of this object and when some more detailed information about it will be released.


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