(Planet Today) Truth-teller Jeffrey Prather vowed to defeat the Deep State by exposing the tools of fake news during the December 3 episode of “Prather Point” on Brighteon.TV.
Prather said State Democrats, Republicans in name only (RINO), Black Lives Matter, Antifa and other assorted traitors – foreign and domestic – will not silence the freedom fighters in the battle to restore the fallen republic.
(Article by Matthew Davis republished from NaturalNews.com)
”Your masks won’t silence us. Your shutdowns won’t stop us. Your riots don’t scare us,” he said.
Prather, who is still recovering from an accident that happened after speaking at the Freedom and Health Conference in San Antonio, thanked his family, friends and supporters for all the prayers, letters, emails, notes and packages he has received.
“Behind me, you can see a get well card from my children’s Dojo class. The other day, I have members of Team America medical call. I have ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, nebulizer treatments, vitamin D, everything under the sun. Lots of people checking on me constantly, and I am doing fine,” assured Prather.
The former intelligence officer encouraged his followers to sign up for Team America, which he said is already in 15 countries.
He said Team America have members who provided alternative routes of escape from Afghanistan for American families, American children and American allies. “It’s quite an accomplishment. And there are now over 5000 Americans signed up for Team America,” said Prather.
Biden is supporting China’s bid for world domination
According to Prather, there are five Chinese companies in Afghanistan conducting inspections of potential lithium projects. Afghanistan is rich in resources, and it also has a large reserve of lithium, a key component of the batteries of electric vehicles and other high-tech electric items.
Prather accused President Joe Biden of planning to send Air Force personnel to help the Chinese with their plans for world domination, saying China’s Jiangxi copper has taken a 30-year lease on Afghanistan’s copper mine. Prather said it will allow China to continue to wage economic war and strangle the U.S. high-tech economy.
”This is a great travesty and tragedy,” Prather said.
He also cited Biden’s vaccine mandate, which is now blocked in 50 states. “The resistance is clearly building but it is going to be a long fight,” he said. In late November, a judge blocked Biden’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandate for federal contractors, finding that the president lacks the authority to force them to get vaccinated. (Related: Judge blocks Biden’s oppressive vaccine mandate for federal contractors and subcontractors.)
Unfortunately, the corrupt RINOs did not stand against the budget, Prather noted. There was a handful of Republicans who resisted, but ultimately failed to prohibit federal money from being used to fund Biden’s vaccine mandates.
The Brighteon.TV host urged Americans to remember the names of Senate Republicans who voted with the Democrats: Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Shelley Capito, Bill Cassidy, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Lindsey Graham, Cindy Hyde Smith, John Kennedy, Mitch McConnell, Jerry Moran, Lisa Murkowski, Rob Portman, Marco Rubio, Richard Shelby, Tom Tillis, Roger Wicker and Todd Young.
“We have to get them out of office. But that will be a long, difficult path,” said Prather.
Prather also mentioned the tyrannical measures being implemented by governments around the world while using the seemingly harmless omicron variant as the primary reason. He pointed out that those measures could lead to violence, like the Dutch Police opening fire on COVID protesters.
“It could happen here in the United States. That’s why it’s important to understand that this will go kinetic, so be prepared for it to go kinetic,” Prather said. “Fear not, God bless. Keep the faith and hold fast. We are not always winning. And winning is demanding difficult and always expensive. Tyrants always fail. Graphene is not in our DNA, but freedom is and it is earned.”
Watch the full Dec. 3 episode of “Prather Point” below.
Catch new episodes of “Prather Point” every Friday at 10-11 a.m. on Brighteon.TV.