In Defense of General Michael Flynn

In Defense of General Michael Flynn

Roger Stone provided this defense of General Michael Flynn from his friend Alex Blagojevic

In defense of General Michael Flynn

Like many Americans, I admire General Michael Flynn. The former National Security Advisor to President Donald Trump was targeted in a fabricated and politically motivated prosecution by Special Counsel Robert Mueller – a witch-hunt investigation now thoroughly discredited. His record as a war hero is largely unknown to the American people but General Flynn has served his country with honor and bravery.

Published reports document that former President Barack Obama urged incoming President-elect Donald Trump not to appoint General Michael Flynn. Evidently, Flynn’s refusal to remain silent about the very real dangers of radical Islamic terrorism and his unwillingness to mislead the public about national security issues during the Obama regime, earned the enmity of President Obama and the respect and admiration of millions of Americans. I was pleased when President Trump appointed General Flynn as his National Security Advisor. I believed then, as I believe now, General Flynn understands the very real dangers of radical Islam and the infiltration of all levels of American society by the communist Chinese, including the infiltration of our own Government.

That is why I was disturbed by recent reports that General Flynn recited an unusual prayer on September 17, 2021, when he was a guest speaker at pastor Hank Kunneman’s Lord of Hosts Church in Nebraska. In my opinion, as a preacher, some Christians have leapt to illogical conclusions about this man. They are wrong. I know General Flynn is a devout Roman Catholic and a faithful follower of Jesus Christ.

Incredibly, some have criticized the retired Army officer and former National Security Advisor for his invocation, claiming he recited a prayer originating with The Church Universal and Triumphant, a 1980s cult, and insinuating he purposefully emulated them. This is cynical and far-fetched and based on what the general himself told me, false.

I met General Flynn in March of this year when I was kindly invited to speak and do the invocation for an event where he was a guest speaker. It was a great honor, since I always liked and trusted him. I often prayed for him and his family as they were targeted by unjust investigations during the presidency of Donald Trump.

My host asked me to preach the Gospel “boldly” at the event. I did just that, unashamedly proclaiming the Good News. When I finished my message and prayer, I left the stage and met General Flynn for the first time. He looked at me with sincere emotion, pounded me on the chest, and said “that was unbelievable. Unbelievable.”

This moved me. Still, I don’t form an opinion of someone until I get to know them personally and understand their heart’s intentions, since Scripture tells us not to judge by mere appearance but rather with right judgment (John 7:14).

The General and I later had dinner together and I interviewed him for my Web site. He shared how his faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus grew through all the wickedness he endured. He said he always believed in keeping his faith private, to not “wear his faith his sleeve,” but recently, with the growing problems facing our nation, he felt compelled to speak more publicly about his faith and his belief that only through God can our Constitutional Republic be saved.

The internet being what it is, this baseless attack on General Flynn was actually followed by additional attacks, falsely claiming that this great American hero is a Satanist, a pedophile and an agent of the Israeli Government and that he worked for globalist George Soros. Needless to say, these are vile lies that I believe are being spread by those who fear that it is possible under God’s plan that General Flynn will play a pivotal role in the struggle for America’s survival and future.

I do not know where precisely General Flynn is in his walk with the Lord – only he and God know this – but I do know that he loves, worships and fears our beautiful Savior. He has a heartfelt reverence for His Word.

Businessman Alex Blagojevic is an immigrant to the United States born in France to parents who escaped communism in the former Yugoslavia. Once an atheist, he now preaches and teaches with a Master’s degree in Chrisitan apologetics from Biola University.

(Article by Joe Hoft republished from TheGatewayPundit)

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