Former High-Ranking FBI Agents Issue Warning About Garland School Board Memo

Former High-Ranking FBI Agents Issue Warning About Garland School Board Memo

Attorney General Merrick Garland labeled parents who were speaking out against Critical Race Theory “domestic terrorists” in a letter that was sent to the FBI.

The Gateway Pundit reported:

The National School Board Association (NSBA) coordinated with the Biden White House weeks before AG Merrick Garland classified parents “domestic terrorists” in a letter to the FBI.

As previously reported, the NSBA begged Biden to use federal law enforcement agencies against parents and investigate them for “domestic terrorism and hate crime threats.” They shamelessly claim the situation is so dire that he should use the Patriot Act, among other “enforceable actions” against them.

Merrick Garland is targeting parents who dare speak out against Critical Race Theory (CRT) because his son-in-law makes millions off of selling the Marxist literature across the country.

Adam Lee and Bill Corbett, two former FBI agents, are now warning about the dangers of the memo.

According to Lee, “it is a scary prospect” that the capabilities of the PATRIOT Act were being turned on United States citizens.

The National Review reported:

High-ranking FBI alumni are sounding the alarm on a memo from Attorney General Merrick Garland highlighting a purportedly “disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence” against schools and school officials, from parents. According to these former officials, the memo represents an unwelcome politicization of the bureau’s mission, and may portend further consequences down the line.

Adam Lee is a former special agent in charge of the FBI’s Richmond division and national executive for the FBI’s public-corruption and civil-rights programs. He oversaw the FBI’s involvement in the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017 and even interviewed with former president Donald Trump to replace James Comey as director of the FBI.

Lee called the memo “pretty rare,” in an interview with National Review, noting that in his long tenure at the Bureau, he only saw a couple of items like it. Of even more concern to Lee was the fact that “the only way that [the memo] is hitting FBI jurisdiction at all is under the rubric of domestic terrorism.” According to Lee, the bureau’s domestic-terrorism program, which is held within its counterrorism division, includes resources and permission structures that he’d be concerned to see brought to bear against Americans.

“The counterterrorism division’s incredible capabilities were built to target foreign terrorist organizations under Title 50, which is all the PATRIOT Act enabling statutes. It is a juggernaut and has saved countless American lives,” explained Lee.

Corbett echoed the concerns of Lee and also added “It turns out that was sort of an empty, politically-loaded claim” and called it a “black eye” for Garland’s DOJ.

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Senator Josh Hawley called for Garland to resign over the memo saying Garland “mobilized the FBI to intimidate parents.”

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