(Planet Today) It is being reported that Apple CEO Tim Cook signed a secret agreement with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) promising to prop up China’s economy and technological capabilities.
The $275 billion contract, which was confirmed through “interviews and purported internal Apple documents,” was signed in 2016 with a timeline of five years. That five years is just about complete.
(Article by Ethan Huff republished from NaturalNews.com)
Concerned about bad publicity in China, Apple executives reportedly pushed for a closer alliance with the CCP. China, by the way, is where all Apple products are manufactured.
The alleged internal documents show that Cook “personally lobbied officials” in China over threats made against key company products such as iCloud, the App Store and Apple Pay, a cashless payment system.
A 1,250-word agreement was then forged by Apple’s government affairs team in China, establishing a “memorandum of understanding” between the tech giant and the communist regime.
This memorandum called on the National Development and Reform Commission to establish and agree upon various concessions in exchange for certain regulatory exemptions.
“In May 2016, Cook announced that Apple would be investing $1 billion in the Chinese ride-hailing startup Didi Chuxing in a pointed attempt to mollify authorities,” reports explain.
“Shortly after, Cook, Apple Chief Operating Officer Jeff Williams, and government affairs head Lisa Jackson met with senior government officials in Zhongnanhai, the central headquarters of the Communist Party of China.”
Apple censors Bible apps in China because CCP hates Christianity
With Cook at the helm, Apple was able to get the CCP to sign the multibillion-dollar agreement, eliminating all sorts of regulatory actions against the company with special exemptions.
In exchange, China received significant investments, business deals, and worker training in the country, among other perks.
Apple specifically pledged in the agreement to help Chinese manufacturers develop “the most advanced manufacturing technology,” as well as “support the training of high-quality Chinese talents.”
Apple further promised to use more Chinese suppliers’ components in its various products, as well as invest capital into Chinese tech companies. There was also a clause about assisting more than a dozen Chinese government causes, which sounds like treason.
If no objections were made to the agreement, then it was also baked into the deal that it would be extended for a sixth year with an expiration date of May 2022, which is on the way.
Apple zealously promised “many billions of dollars more” to China for new retail stores, renewable energy projects, and research and development facilities as well.
Another key component of the deal was Apple’s agreement to censor certain apps that the CCP does not want Chinese people accessing, including popular Bible apps such as Olive Tree.
The Quran Majeed, developed by PDMS, is also banned in Apple’s Chinese App Store, as are a number of other religious apps.
“Helping the enemy in any endeavor is a crime, is it not?” wrote one commenter at Neon Nettle, which covered the revelation. “This puke (Cook) is unamerican at the least and treasonous at the most. Boycott Apple and their Chinese products!”
“It is obvious that Apple CEO Tim Cook hasn’t an inkling of allegiance to the U.S. nor to the idea of preserving unalienable individual rights, let alone any form of a limited government republic,” wrote another.
Another joked that Cook must be related to Hunter Biden because “both need to be tried for treason.”
Yet another asked, “Doesn’t America have a statute criminalizing trading with the enemy?”
This is a valid question indeed, and one that everyone should be asking themselves right about now as increasingly more of these tech “gods” get exposed for collusion and conspiracy with enemy powers.
More related news about Apple’s activities in China can be found at Treason.news.