Disgraceful Washington Post blogger calls for “rules” that would bar media outlets from treating Republicans as “normal”

Disgraceful Washington Post blogger calls for “rules” that would bar media outlets from treating Republicans as “normal”

(Planet Today) Without a doubt, it has become plain as day to any fair-minded American that people on the Democratic left live in their own worlds and exist in their own realities, nearly all of which are divorced from truth and facts.

Not only that, but while they claim to be all about “democracy” and ‘protecting rights,’ what they really mean is they support “democracy” and “protecting the rights” only of those Americans who agree with them.

(Article by JD Heyes republished from NaturalNews.com)

Longtime Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin is a classic case in point.

In a recent interview, she made a number of fantastical statements that have zero basis in fact and are demonstrably false, but of course, since she was being interviewed by one of her own, she was not challenged one iota and her BS was allowed to stand as though her claims were true.

Not only that, but this ‘journalist’ actually called for new rules (i.e. mandates — because at their core, leftists are authoritarians, not freedom lovers) to force media outlets to treat members of the opposing political party (that would be Republicans) as somehow not American, not human, not normal. Punish them for holding different viewpoints, in other words.

“You have to have new ground rules for the media. They have to stop treating Republicans like normal politicians. They are not normal politicians … This is a party that spends its entire time cooking up ridiculous culture memes & fanning violence & coming up with outright lies,” she said at one point.

Seriously — who talks like that? What kind of mongrel human being do you have to be to believe that political opponents should not be afforded the same civil rights and protections that your side enjoys?

Earlier, Rubin made a number of other outrageously false statements as well; let’s break down some of them:

— “The Republican Party, for a while now, has been tacitly encouraging and rationalizing violence. You can go all the way back to the 2016 campaign when Donald Trump was out there encouraging his supporters to slug hecklers and critics.”

First and foremost, it is the left’s footsoldiers — Antifa, BLM, anarchists — who regularly engage in riots and violence, not the right. That is well-documented.

Also, Democratic politicians such as Maxine Waters routinely call for violence against conservatives and supporters of President Trump, not the other way around.

And Trump did tell his supporters to get righteous with people, but only because they were being assaulted regularly during the 2016 campaign and throughout his presidency when they went to his rallies. Again, that is well-documented.

— “Virtually the entire Republican Party is whitewashing [the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, trying to downplay it.”

That is just a blatant lie; nearly every Republican lawmaker, if not all of them, has condemned the violence that day and called for anyone involved to be held accountable.

But what we also know is that it wasn’t ‘inspired’ or ‘incited’ by Trump; it was an obvious false flag event staged by the deep state, as noted by an expert who is well-steeped in such operations. There is also evidence of FBI involvement in fomenting the riot.

— She then complained that media outlets “allow Republicans” on their programs “to air their phony grievances rather than grilling them incessantly…”

Republicans already cannot appear on most mainstream news programs because they are left-wing; GOP lawmakers literally are “grilled incessantly” (and very unfairly.) And notice how only conservative “grievances” are “phony.”

— “They have to stop treating Republicans like normal politicians. They are not normal politicians.”

This is perhaps the most outrageous of all comments, and the rest of them were outrageous as well. Who would enforce this ‘rule’? Govenment, of course.

This demented little woman is such an accomplished hater that she is incapable of understanding her basic journalistic role, which is that all sides in a political debate get to be heard, get to make their cases, and get to be in on the debate — because one side isn’t always right (though she obviously thinks her side is — to the point where she would force media outlets to essentially silence conservative dissent).

And here’s the funniest part: She probably doesn’t understand why more Americans trust used car salespeople more than people in her profession.

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