Australian health official becomes latest Westerner to reference “New World Order” – it’s REAL, and it’s here

Australian health official becomes latest Westerner to reference “New World Order” – it’s REAL, and it’s here

(Planet Today) The authoritarians who run Australia have really revealed the true nature of their political beliefs in the age of COVID, and it’s not pretty — but the really bad news is, they are actually no different than tyrannical leftists throughout the West, including “Democrats” in the United States.

Australia was already well-known to have flipped from a functioning democracy back into the prison colony it was founded as by the British Empire centuries ago, with Aussie leaders having exploited every ounce of the pandemic to exercise dictatorial powers under the phony guise of keeping citizens ‘safe.’

(Article by JD Heyes republished from

But in recent public comments, one Australian health official let slip that the 1990s-era “New World Order” then-U.S. President George H. W. Bush talked about in the wake of the first Gulf War is not a concept that has gone away. If anything, as we are seeing, it’s very much alive and well and advancing daily as the virus continues to be exploited.

In recent days, the Australian health authorities have shifted their unusually tough COVID standards towards relaxing some of the mandates on lockdowns. But New South Wales state Premier Gladys Berejiklian warned that when the reopening took place, there were bound to be new cases of the virus, and that will, of course, necessitate new lockdowns and restrictions.

And then she dropped this bomb: The country — one of the few on the planet that requires citizens to provide a good reason for why they want to leave, in case you didn’t know that — planned to track people as well in the “New World Order.”

“We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the new world order,” she said, dropping jaws around the globe.

New South Wales Health Minister Brad Hazzard has also used the phrase recently and on several occasions.

“This is a world pandemic, it’s a one in a 100-year event, so you can expect that we will have transmission from time to time, and that’s just the way it is. We’ve got to accept that this is the new world order,” he said as well.

But like their American propagandist counterparts, the Aussie media was right there to insist that there is no conspiracy theory here — all is well, as The ABC reported:

A number of the TikToks currently going viral use a grab of NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard describing the pandemic as the “new world order” in a press conference in July.

The New World Order is a baseless conspiracy theory which says there’s a secretly emerging totalitarian government. Hack is not suggesting Mr Hazzard was promoting the conspiracy when he used those words.

Mind you, these are not “baseless” conspiracies because words have meaning, and if these officials, along with George H. W. Bush in the early 1990s, had meant something other than a “new world order” they would have used different words.

So if ‘new world order’ doesn’t meant what it implies, what does it mean? And why is it still being used?

We know why; because it’s not a conspiracy and there really are people in the West (and some in Asia) who have been busy carving up the world’s resources and using them to suppress the vast majority of the ‘unwashed masses.’ The tyranny and oppression has long been common in communist, Marxist, and socialist countries, but such authoritarianism has now come to “democracies” like those in Australia and Europe, and even in our constitutional republic, under the guise of ‘keeping people safe from COVID.’

The changes that have been made to societies at the behest of leaders who seek to ‘fight’ the virus are going to be permanent insofar as the populations of once-free nations allow those changes to be permanent.

That is what the ‘new world order’ is really about: Empowering further those who already have the bulk of power.

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