The Democrats know they are in trouble going into the 2022 midterms so many are fleeing a sinking ship.
New York Rep. Tom Suozzi on Monday announced he will be leaving his 3rd District seat to run for governor in 2022.
Rep. Suozzi is the 18th House Democrat planning to retire next year.
Even CNN is admitting Pelosi and the Democrats are in trouble in 2022.
CNN reported:
On Monday, New York Democratic Rep. Tom Suozzi announced he plans to leave his 3rd District seat behind to run for governor in 2022.
Asked about whether control of his seat — or the House more generally — mattered much in his decision, Suozzi said it “wasn’t a big factor.”
Which is all well and good for him! But Democratic strategists — from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on down — don’t have the luxury and Suozzi’s retirement is simply the latest in a series of body blows for the party’s majority chances in recent weeks.
Suozzi is the 18th Democrat in the House planning to retire or run for higher office in 2022. By contrast, Republicans have only 11 members retiring. For context, at this point in the 2020 election cycle, only eight Democrats had called it quits as compared to 20 Republicans.
The more you dig into the numbers, the worse they look for Democrats.
Of the 18 Democratic open seats, fully one third are in districts where former President Donald Trump won or lost narrowly (5 points or less) in the 2020 election. And, that total doesn’t even include seats like Suozzi’s — where President Joe Biden won by 11 points in 2020 but where Hillary Clinton prevailed by only 6 points four years earlier.
Even in a neutral national environment, those seats would be very hard for Democrats to hold. In an environment like this one — the first midterm of a presidency with Biden’s approval numbers stuck in the low 40s — not only are seats that Trump carried in danger but also seats like Suozzi’s could be too.
No doubt the Democrats will cheat, lie and steal in an effort to keep the House next year.
In less than one year Democrats have destroyed the American economy, the American energy sector, American foreign policy, America’s reputation around the world. Just like in 2020, there is no possible way they can keep power in 2022 unless they cheat.
And they will.
Look for Democrats to use the “Midterm Election Variant” to push for a national mail-in vote in November 2022. They can’t win if they can’t cheat.
(Article by Cristina Laila republished from TheGatewayPundit)Here comes the MEV – the Midterm Election Variant! They NEED a reason to push unsolicited nationwide mail-in ballots. Democrats will do anything to CHEAT during an election – but we’re not going to let them!
— Ronny Jackson (@RonnyJacksonTX) November 27, 2021