(Planet Today) Residents of Australia’s Northern Territories are being forcibly removed from their homes and taken to Camp Covid, aka the “quarantine” camps set up by the government to supposedly house covid-“positive” cases.
(Article by Ethan Huff republished from NaturalNews.com)
After a mere nine people tested positive with fraudulent PCR tests, the Australian army rounded them up and took them to the Howard Springs quarantine camp in Darwin. This occurred right after new “hard” lockdown measures were instituted in the communities of Binjari and nearby Rockhole.
“Residents of Binjari and Rockhole no longer have the five reasons to leave their homes,” announced Northern Territory chief minister Michael Gunner.
The five allowable reasons to leave one’s home under the “soft” lockdown rules include buying food and supplies, exercising for up to two hours, providing care or caregiving, working or getting educated if it cannot be done at home, and getting “vaccinated” at the nearest possible injection location.
“They can only leave for medical treatment, in an emergency, or as required by law,” Gunner added. “It’s highly likely that more residents will be transferred to Howard Springs today, either as positive cases or close contacts.”
“We have already identified 38 close contacts from Binjari but that number will go up. Those 38 are being transferred now.”
Why does Australia hate brown people?
Gunner went on to thank the 20 ADF personnel who agreed to tyrannize the individuals who were hauled off to Camp Covid against their will.
“We are grateful for the support of about 20 ADF personnel, as well as army trucks to assist with the transfer of positive cases and close contacts – and to support the communities,” Gunner said happily.
Gunner and his fellow politicians in the area are already conducting and “assessment” about what “extra resources” they feel they need from the federal government to deal with the positive “cases” at the concentration camp.
“We’re conscious of the fact that this can have some impacts on people’s mental health as well as their general wellbeing,” stated Police Commissioner Jamie Chalkner about the situation.
It is important to note that most of the people who live in the Northern Territories of Australia are indigenous – meaning native Australians much like the Native Americans who originally occupied the United States.
These “brown” people, if you will, are being specifically targeted by white-looking Australian authorities who feel as though they have the right to round up these “lesser-thans” and haul them off to concentration camps whenever they feel like it.
This is Branch Covidian fascism, just to be clear, and it is aimed at marginalized communities of people that lack the resources and numbers to fight back against it.
According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, many of the people who live in the Northern Territories are extremely poor. One of five of them currently live in overcrowded dwellings compared to just five percent of non-indigenous Australians.
“Although this percentage had decreased from 27 percent in 2004, it still meant an estimated 145,340 Indigenous Australians were living in overcrowded dwellings in 2018-19,” writes Steve Milne for The Epoch Times.
“In addition, the more remote an area, the higher the proportion of Indigenous Australians living in overcrowded dwellings (26 percent in remote areas and 51 percent in ‘very remote’ areas), compared to 8 and 22 percent in non-remote areas.”
Just days before the “positive” cases of Chinese Virus were hauled off to Camp Covid, NT Sen. Malarndirri McCarthy just so happened to be blabbing to the local media about how the region has a “massive problem” of overcrowding. Perhaps this was the government’s “remedy” all along to just haul these people off to concentration camps under the guise of “flattening the curve.”
The latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) can be found at Fascism.news.